classes package


classes.channel_profiler module

class classes.channel_profiler.ChannelProfiler(model, device='cpu')[source]

Bases: TorchProfiler

ChannelProfiler identifies influential channels of an activation tensor. Influential channel neurons are identified by either maximum value or matrix norm. Contributing neurons in the previous layer are the channels with the greatest maximum values whose sum reaches a specified threshold, or percentage of the maximum value in the influential channel.

  • model (Module) –

  • device (str) –

contrib_adaptive_avg_pool2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D adaptive average pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_conv2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Profile a single output neuron from a 2D convolutional layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing keys in self.model.available_modules() dictionary, corresponding to a convolutional module and an activation module

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • neuron_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)


Only implemented for convolution using filters with same height and width and strides equal in both dimensions and padding equal in all dimensions

contrib_identity(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Pass through to keep influential neurons from one layer fixed into the next.

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights

contrib_linear(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Profile output neurons from a linear layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_max2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D max pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_resnetadd(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a ResNet add layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights


NotImplementedError – Raises error if len(x_in) != 2 or len(y_out) != 1

create_profile(x, threshold=0.1, layers_to_profile=None, norm=None)[source]

Generate a profile for a single input data x

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_profile (list or tuple) – list of specific layers to profile or tuple with first,last layers (exclusive of last) to profile and all layers inbetween

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile.

  • norm (int, optional) – If given, the order of the norm to be taken to sum the strengths of channel activations. Otherwise, the max value of each channel is used


profile contains neuron_counts, neuron_weights, synapse_counts, and synapse_weights across layers in layers_to_profile. Corresponding number of images = 1

Return type


influence_generator(activations, norm=None)[source]
  • activations (dict of tensors) –

  • norm (int, optional) – If given, the order of the norm to be taken to sum the strengths of channel activations. Otherwise, the max value of each channel is used


influential_neurons – A function that will pick out the most influential neurons in a layer up to some threshold

Return type


single_profile(x_in, y_out, neuron_counts, ldx, threshold)[source]

Profiles a single layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix) – Matrix representing the influential neurons in the layer

  • ldx (int) – Layer number of the layer to be profiled

  • threshold (float) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile

Return type

Tuple[Union[coo_matrix, Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix]], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix or tuple of sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

classes.element_profiler module

class classes.element_profiler.ElementProfiler(model, device='cpu')[source]

Bases: TorchProfiler

ElementProfiler identifies influential elements of an activation tensor. Influential element neurons are identified by their value or absolute value. Contributing neurons in the previous layer are the elements in the receptive field with the greatest values whose sum reaches a specified threshold, or percentage of the value of the influential element.

  • model (Module) –

  • device (str) –

contrib_adaptive_avg_pool2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D adaptive average pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential x 3 (channel, row, col)

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_conv2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Profile a single output neuron from a 2D convolutional layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential x 3 (channel, row, col)

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing keys in self.model.available_modules() dictionary, corresponding to a convolutional module and an activation module

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • neuron_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)


Only implemented for convolution using filters with same height and width and strides equal in both dimensions and padding equal in all dimensions

contrib_identity(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Pass through to keep influential neurons from one layer fixed into the next. Used for normalization layers

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential x 3 (channel, row, col)

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights

contrib_linear(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Profile output neurons from a linear layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_max2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D max pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential x 3 (channel, row, col)

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_resnetadd(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a ResNet add layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential x 3 (channel, row, col)

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights


NotImplementedError – Raises error if len(x_in) != 2 or len(y_out) != 1

create_profile(x, threshold=0.1, layers_to_profile=None, use_abs=False)[source]

Generate a profile for a single input data x

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_profile (list or tuple) – list of specific layers to profile or tuple with first,last layers (exclusive of last) to profile and all layers inbetween

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile.

  • use_abs (boolean, default=False) – If True, use the absolute value of element activations to determine influence


profile contains neuron_counts, neuron_weights, synapse_counts, and synapse_weights across layers in layers_to_profile. Corresponding number of images = 1

Return type


influence_generator(activations, use_abs=False)[source]
  • activations (dict of tensors) –

  • use_abs (boolean, default=False) – If True, use the absolute value of element activations to determine influence


influential_neurons – A function that will pick out the most influential neurons in a layer up to some threshold

Return type


single_profile(x_in, y_out, neuron_counts, ldx, threshold)[source]

Profiles a single layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix) – Matrix representing the influential neurons in the layer

  • ldx (int) – Layer number of the layer to be profiled

  • threshold (float) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile

Return type

Tuple[Union[coo_matrix, Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix]], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix or tuple of sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

classes.profile module

class classes.profile.Profile(neuron_counts=None, neuron_weights=None, synapse_counts=None, synapse_weights=None, activation_shapes=None, pred_dict=None, num_inputs=0, neuron_type=None)[source]

Bases: object


  • neuron_counts (Optional[Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]]) –

  • neuron_weights (Optional[Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]]) –

  • synapse_counts (Optional[Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]]) –

  • synapse_weights (Optional[Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]]) –

  • activation_shapes (Optional[Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]]) –

  • pred_dict (Optional[Dict[int, List[int]]]) –

  • num_inputs (Optional[int]) –

  • neuron_type (Optional[str]) –

property activation_shapes: Dict[int, Size]

returns: activation_shapes – Dictionary of the activation tensors shapes, keyed by layer :rtype: Dict of torch.Sizes

Return type



  • A copy of the profile with neuron and synapse counts and weights

  • reformatted as dicts

property neuron_counts: Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]

returns: neuron_counts – Dictionary representing profile neurons and their counts, i.e. how many synapses they were influential or contributing to :rtype: Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts

property neuron_type: str

returns: neuron_type – The type of neurons used in the profile, i.e. ‘element’, ‘channel’, or ‘mixed’ (aggregate of profiles with mismatched types) :rtype: str

property neuron_weights: Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]

returns: neuron_weights – Dictionary representing influential profile neurons and their weights :rtype: Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts

property num_inputs: int

returns: num_inputs – The number of input images represented by the profile :rtype: int


Class profiles and other aggregate profiles will have num_inputs > 1

property num_synapses: int

returns: Total number of synapses across all layers :rtype: int

property pred_dict: Dict[int, List[int]]

returns: pred_dict – Dictionary giving the layer predecessor hierarchy by layer index :rtype: Dict of list of ints

property size: int

returns: Total number of neurons identified as influential or contributing (neurons with nonzero neuron counts) :rtype: int

property synapse_counts: Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]

returns: synapse_counts – Dictionary representing profile synapses and their counts :rtype: Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts


For a single image profile (num_inputs=1) all synapses should have a count of 1

property synapse_weights: Union[Dict[int, spmatrix], Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]]

returns: synapse_weights – Dictionary representing profile synapses and their weights :rtype: Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts

property total: int

returns: Total sum of neuron counts across all layers :rtype: int

classes.spatial_profiler module

class classes.spatial_profiler.SpatialProfiler(model, device='cpu')[source]

Bases: TorchProfiler

SpatialProfiler identifies influential “spatial neurons”, or tube-like vector slices through all channels of an activation tensor. Influential neurons are identified by the strength of their vector norm. Contributing neurons in the previous layer are the spatials in the receptive field that contribute the most in the direction of the influential spatial vector that they are combined to produce.

  • model (Module) –

  • device (str) –

contrib_adaptive_avg_pool2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D adaptive average pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_conv2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D convolutional layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing keys in self.model.available_modules() dictionary, corresponding to a convolutional module and an activation module

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • neuron_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)


Only implemented for convolution using filters with same height and width and strides equal in both dimensions and padding equal in all dimensions

contrib_identity(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Pass through to keep influential neurons from one layer fixed into the next.

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights

contrib_linear(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=0.1)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a linear/ fully connected layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) –

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_max2d(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a 2D max pooling layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str]) – list containing single key in self.model.available_modules() dictionary

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

contrib_resnetadd(x_in, y_out, infl_neurons, layer=None, threshold=None)[source]

Draws synaptic connections between the given influential neurons in a ResNet add layer and their contributors in a previous layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • infl_neurons (torch.Tensor) – tensor containing indices of influential neurons in y_out dimensions: num_influential

  • layer (List[str], optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

  • threshold (float, optional) – not used, placeholder for uniformity in arguments

Return type

Tuple[Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights


NotImplementedError – Raises error if len(x_in) != 2 or len(y_out) != 1

create_profile(x, infl_threshold=0.97, contrib_threshold=0.1, layers_to_profile=None, use_quantile=True, max_infl=100, norm=2)[source]

Generate a profile for a single input data x

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_profile (list or tuple) – list of specific layers to profile or tuple with first,last layers (exclusive of last) to profile and all layers inbetween

  • infl_threshold (float, default=0.97) – Percentage or quantile used to identify influential neurons

  • contrib_threshold (float, default=0.1) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile

  • use_quantile (boolean, default=True) – If True, the infl_threshold argument will be interpreted as a top quantile to draw influential neurons from, Otherwise, the infl_threshold argument will be interpreted as the percentage of the sum of all neuron activations achieved by aggregating the influential neuron activations

  • max_infl (int, default=100) – An upper bound on the number of influential neurons to be identified

  • norm (int, default=2) – The order of the norm to be taken when identifying influential neurons to sum the strengths of spatial activations, default is L2-norm


profile contains neuron_counts, neuron_weights, synapse_counts, and synapse_weights across layers in layers_to_profile. Corresponding number of images = 1

Return type


influence_generator(activations, use_quantile=True, max_infl=100, norm=2)[source]
  • activations (dict of tensors) –

  • use_quantile (boolean, default=True) – If True, the function returned by the generator will interpret the threshold argument as a top quantile to draw influential neurons from, Otherwise, the threshold argument will be interpreted as the percentage of the sum of all neuron activations achieved by aggregating the influential neuron activations

  • max_infl (int, default=100) – An upper bound on the number of influential neurons to be identified

  • norm (int, default=2) – The order of the norm to be taken to sum the strengths of spatial activations, default is L2-norm


influential_neurons – A function that will pick out the most influential neurons in a layer up to some threshold

Return type


single_profile(x_in, y_out, neuron_counts, ldx, threshold=0.1)[source]

Profiles a single layer

  • x_in (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • y_out (Dict[int, torch.Tensor]) – dict where key is layer, value is tensor dimensions: batchsize,channels,height,width

  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix) – Matrix representing the influential neurons in the layer

  • ldx (int) – Layer number of the layer to be profiled

  • threshold (float, default=0.1) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile

Return type

Tuple[Union[coo_matrix, Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix]], coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • neuron_counts (sp.coo_matrix or tuple of sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_counts (sp.coo_matrix)

  • synapse_weights (sp.coo_matrix)

classes.svd_influential module

class classes.svd_influential.SVDProfiler(model, device=device(type='cpu'), compute_svd=True)[source]

Bases: TorchProfiler

Torch Profiler wraps a PyTorch model into a TorchHook model which can register activations as it evaluates data. Using the activations, inputs to the model may be profiled.

The function call to generate an influenial SVD profile is slightly different than that for SpatialProfiler/ChannelProfiler. Here is how to create a profile:

import deep_data_profiler as ddp
# define the profiler
influential_profiler = ddp.SVDProfiler(model)
# profile a tensor x
profile = influential_profiler.create_influential(x)
# view neuron weights dictionary
# view the neuron weights for a specific layer
  • model (Sequential) –

  • device (device) –

  • compute_svd (bool) –


Set of classes in PyTorch which we can find influential for




Model to be profiled



create_influential(x, layers_to_find=None, threshold=0.1, activations=None, aggregation='sum')[source]

Generate an influential profile for a single input data x.

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_find (list, optional) – Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for.

  • threshold (float, optional, default=0.1) – Percentage of contribution to track in a profile.


profile contains neuron_counts, neuron_weights across layers. Corresponding number of images = 1

Return type


create_projections(x, layers_to_find=None)[source]

Generate SVD projections for a single input data x.

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_find (list, optional) – Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for.


projections – SVD projections keyed by layer

Return type



Create a dictionary of the Singular Value Decomposition of a layer’s weights.


layers_to_find (list, optional) – Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for.


svd_dict – A dictionary of SVD of weights, keyed by their position from the beginning of the model, according to the order the layers of the model are listed.

Return type


static influential_svd_neurons(agg, threshold=0.1, norm=1, device=device(type='cpu'))[source]

Returns a dictionary of relative contributions keyed by influential SVD neurons for layer up to some threshold

Return type

Tuple[coo_matrix, coo_matrix]


  • influential_neurons (sp.coo_matrix) – Matrix representing the influential neurons within the threshold

  • influential_weights (sp.coo_matrix) – Matrix assigning weights to each influential neuron according to its contribution to the threshold


classes.torch_profiler module

class classes.torch_profiler.TorchProfiler(model, device='cpu')[source]

Bases: ABC

A TorchProfiler wraps a PyTorch model into a TorchHook model which can register activations as it evaluates data. Subclasses of TorchProfiler profile model inputs by tracing influential neurons through the layers of the network during classification. Each subclass implementation defines neurons, influence, and contribution differently.

  • model (Module) –

  • device (str) –


List of activation classes in PyTorch




List of dropout classes in PyTorch




List of classes in PyTorch which have contrib functions implemented




List of contrib functions ordered by their corresponding classes in implemented_classes (does not include “contrib_resnetadd”)




Model to be profiled



build_dicts(x, infl_threshold, contrib_threshold, layers_to_profile=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generates neuron/synapse counts/weights for a given input.

  • x (torch.Tensor) – input to model being profiled

  • layers_to_profile (list or tuple) – list of specific layers to profile or tuple with first,last layers (exclusive of last) to profile and all layers in between

  • infl_threshold (float) – Parameter for influence

  • contrib_threshold (float) – Parameter for contribution

Return type

Tuple[dict, dict, dict, dict]


  • neuron_counts

  • neuron_weights

  • synapse_counts

  • synapse_weights

  • activation_shapes


Create a dictionary of layers to profile.


layerdict – A dictionary of layers keyed by their position according to the order Pytorch uses to list the layers of the model.

Return type



Because a weighted module is often followed by an activation and/or normalization modules those modules are combined into a single layer to be profiled. As a consequence the number of layers generated will typically be less than the number of available modules in the model.

abstract create_profile()[source]
abstract influence_generator()[source]

sght – Dictionary of the names of the head and tail modules at each layer

Return type


abstract single_profile()[source]
Return type

Tuple[OrderedDict, Any, Dict]


  • supernodes (OrderedDict)

  • SG (nx.DiGraph)

  • sgpos (dict)

Module contents