Source code for classes.profile

import scipy.sparse as sp
import copy
import torch
import warnings
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np

SpMatData = Dict[int, sp.spmatrix]
DictData = Dict[int, Dict[Tuple, float]]

[docs]class Profile: """Summary""" def __init__( self, neuron_counts: Optional[Union[SpMatData, DictData]] = None, neuron_weights: Optional[Union[SpMatData, DictData]] = None, synapse_counts: Optional[Union[SpMatData, DictData]] = None, synapse_weights: Optional[Union[SpMatData, DictData]] = None, activation_shapes: Optional[Union[SpMatData, DictData]] = None, pred_dict: Optional[Dict[int, List[int]]] = None, num_inputs: Optional[int] = 0, neuron_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- neuron_counts : dict, optional Dictionary representing profile neurons and their counts, i.e. how many synapses they were influential or contributing to neuron_weights : dict, optional Dictionary representing influential profile neurons and their weights synapse_counts : dict, optional Dictionary representing profile synapses and their counts synapse_weights : dict, optional Dictionary representing profile synapses and their weights activation_shapes : dict, optional Dictionary of the activation tensors shapes, keyed by layer pred_dict : dict, optional Dictionary giving the layer predecessor hierarchy by layer index num_inputs : int, optional Number of inputs represented by the profile neuron_type: str, optional The type of neurons used in the profile, i.e. 'element' or 'channel' Note ---- The format for the inputs is very strict so that it can be used to store the results of a profiling process but there is no type checking. If the input is not in the correct format, the metrics could fail or return inaccurate values. """ self._neuron_counts = neuron_counts or dict() self._neuron_weights = neuron_weights or dict() self._synapse_counts = synapse_counts or dict() self._synapse_weights = synapse_weights or dict() self._activation_shapes = activation_shapes self._pred_dict = pred_dict self._num_inputs = num_inputs self._neuron_type = neuron_type @property def neuron_counts(self) -> Union[SpMatData, DictData]: """ Returns ------- neuron_counts : Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts Dictionary representing profile neurons and their counts, i.e. how many \ synapses they were influential or contributing to """ return self._neuron_counts @property def neuron_weights(self) -> Union[SpMatData, DictData]: """ Returns ------- neuron_weights : Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts Dictionary representing influential profile neurons and their weights """ return self._neuron_weights @property def synapse_counts(self) -> Union[SpMatData, DictData]: """ Returns ------- synapse_counts : Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts Dictionary representing profile synapses and their counts Note ---- For a single image profile (num_inputs=1) all synapses should have a count of 1 """ return self._synapse_counts @property def synapse_weights(self) -> Union[SpMatData, DictData]: """ Returns ------- synapse_weights : Dict of scipy.sparse matrices or Dict of dicts Dictionary representing profile synapses and their weights """ return self._synapse_weights @property def activation_shapes(self) -> Dict[int, torch.Size]: """ Returns ------- activation_shapes: Dict of torch.Sizes Dictionary of the activation tensors shapes, keyed by layer """ return self._activation_shapes @property def pred_dict(self) -> Dict[int, List[int]]: """ Returns ------- pred_dict: Dict of list of ints Dictionary giving the layer predecessor hierarchy by layer index """ return self._pred_dict @property def num_inputs(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- num_inputs : int The number of input images represented by the profile Note ---- Class profiles and other aggregate profiles will have num_inputs > 1 """ return self._num_inputs @property def neuron_type(self) -> str: """ Returns ------- neuron_type : str The type of neurons used in the profile, i.e. 'element', 'channel', or \ 'mixed' (aggregate of profiles with mismatched types) """ return self._neuron_type @property def total(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int Total sum of neuron counts across all layers """ return sum([self._neuron_counts[layer].sum() for layer in self._neuron_counts]) @property def size(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int Total number of neurons identified as influential or contributing \ (neurons with nonzero neuron counts) """ return sum( [self.neuron_counts[layer].count_nonzero() for layer in self.neuron_counts] ) @property def num_synapses(self) -> int: """ Returns ------- int Total number of synapses across all layers """ return sum( [ self.synapse_counts[layer].count_nonzero() for layer in self.synapse_counts ] ) def __eq__(self, other: "Profile") -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- other : Profile Returns ------- bool True if the profile data held by self is equal to the profile data held by other, otherwise False Note ---- If neuron type is specified by one profile but not the other, the two can still be equal if all other data is equal """ return bool( self._neuron_counts == other.neuron_counts and self._neuron_weights == other.neuron_weights and self._synapse_counts == other.synapse_counts and self._synapse_weights == other.synapse_weights and self._num_inputs == other.num_inputs and ( self._neuron_type == other.neuron_type or ((self._neuron_type is None) ^ (other.neuron_type is None)) ) ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterable: """ Returns ------- Iterable An iterable over the layer keys of the neuron counts """ return self.neuron_counts.keys() def __add__(self, other: "Profile") -> "Profile": """ Adds the neuron and synapse counts and weights of other and self. Parameters ---------- other : Profile Returns ------- new_profile : Profile The aggregate profile of self and other Note ---- Not supported for dictionary-formatted profiles """ with torch.no_grad(): if self.num_inputs == 0: new_profile = Profile(profile=other) else: new_profile = copy.deepcopy(self) if other.num_inputs > 0: new_profile += other return new_profile def __iadd__(self, other: "Profile") -> "Profile": """ Adds in place the neuron and synapse counts and weights of other to self. Parameters ---------- other : Profile Returns ------- self : Profile Note ---- Not supported for dictionary-formatted profiles """ with torch.no_grad(): if self._num_inputs == 0: self._neuron_counts = copy.deepcopy(other.neuron_counts) self._neuron_weights = copy.deepcopy(other.neuron_weights) self._synapse_counts = copy.deepcopy(other.synapse_counts) self._synapse_weights = copy.deepcopy(other.synapse_weights) self._num_inputs = other.num_inputs self._neuron_type = other.neuron_type elif other.num_inputs > 0: self._num_inputs += other.num_inputs if ( self.neuron_type is not None and other.neuron_type is not None and self.neuron_type != other.neuron_type ): self._neuron_type = "mixed" warnings.warn( "Incompatible profiles: mismatched neuron types - output neuron type will be mixed" ) if ( self.neuron_counts.keys() != other.neuron_counts.keys() or self.neuron_weights.keys() != other.neuron_weights.keys() or self.synapse_counts.keys() != other.synapse_counts.keys() or self.synapse_weights.keys() != other.synapse_weights.keys() ): warnings.warn( "Warning: These profiles have mismatched layer key sets, aggregation may give strange results" ) # Combine neuron counts and weights for layer in other.neuron_counts: if layer in self.neuron_counts: if ( layer in self.neuron_weights and layer in other.neuron_weights ): # use compressed sparse row (csr) matrix for indexing and fast arithmetic # sum of neuron weights (weighted by counts) neuron_weights = ( self.neuron_weights[layer].multiply( self.neuron_counts[layer] ) + other.neuron_weights[layer].multiply( other.neuron_counts[layer] ) ).tocsr() # aggregate total neuron counts self._neuron_counts[layer] += other.neuron_counts[layer] # dictionary of keys (dok) matrix lets us index by nonzero values (avoid 0/0) self._neuron_weights[layer] = sp.dok_matrix( neuron_weights.shape ) # normalize by total neuron counts self._neuron_weights[layer][neuron_weights.nonzero()] = ( neuron_weights[neuron_weights.nonzero()] / self.neuron_counts[layer].tocsr()[ neuron_weights.nonzero() ] ) # convert back to COOrdinate matrix self._neuron_weights[layer] = self.neuron_weights[ layer ].tocoo() else: # copy neuron weights if keyset is mismatched if layer in other.neuron_weights: self._neuron_weights[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.neuron_weights[layer] ) # aggregate total neuron counts self._neuron_counts[layer] += other.neuron_counts[layer] else: # mismatched keysets, copy counts and weights if necessary if layer in other.neuron_weights: self._neuron_weights[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.neuron_weights[layer] ) self._neuron_counts[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.neuron_counts[layer] ) # Combine synapse counts and weights for layer in other.synapse_counts: if layer in self.synapse_counts: if ( layer in self.synapse_weights and layer in other.synapse_weights ): synapse_weights = ( self.synapse_weights[layer].multiply( self.synapse_counts[layer] ) + other.synapse_weights[layer].multiply( other.synapse_counts[layer] ) ).tocsr() # aggregate total synapse counts self._synapse_counts[layer] += other.synapse_counts[layer] # dictionary of keys (dok) matrix lets us index by nonzero values (avoid 0/0) self._synapse_weights[layer] = sp.dok_matrix( synapse_weights.shape ) # normalize by total synapse counts self._synapse_weights[layer][synapse_weights.nonzero()] = ( synapse_weights[synapse_weights.nonzero()] / self.synapse_counts[layer].tocsr()[ synapse_weights.nonzero() ] ) # convert back to COOrdinate matrix self._synapse_weights[layer] = self.synapse_weights[ layer ].tocoo() else: # copy synapse weights if keyset is mismatched if layer in other.synapse_weights: self._synapse_weights[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.synapse_weights[layer] ) # aggregate total synapse counts self._synapse_counts[layer] += other.synapse_counts else: # mismatched keysets, copy counts and weights if necessary if layer in other.synapse_weights: self._synapse_weights[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.synapse_weights[layer] ) self._synapse_counts[layer] = copy.deepcopy( other.synapse_counts[layer] ) return self
[docs] def dict_view(self) -> "Profile": """ Returns ------- A copy of the profile with neuron and synapse counts and weights reformatted as dicts """ if self._activation_shapes is None or self._pred_dict is None: warnings.warn( "activation_shapes and pred_dict must be known to generate dictionary view" ) return None # construct dicts for neuron counts and weights neuron_stats = {"counts": self._neuron_counts, "weights": self._neuron_weights} neuron_views = {stat: dict() for stat in neuron_stats} for stat in neuron_stats: neuron_spmat = neuron_stats[stat] neuron_dict = neuron_views[stat] for layer, spmat in neuron_spmat.items(): dims = self._activation_shapes[layer] # list neurons and values from sparse matrix neurons = list(spmat.todok().items()) flat_idx, values = zip(*neurons) neuron_idx = tuple(idx[1] for idx in flat_idx) # convert flat indices to full spatial or element indices if necessary if ( len(dims) == 4 and self._neuron_type != "channel" and self._neuron_type != "svd" ): spatial_idx = np.unravel_index(neuron_idx, dims[2:]) if self._neuron_type == "element": channel_idx = np.array([int(idx[0]) for idx in flat_idx]) neuron_idx = (channel_idx,) + spatial_idx elif self._neuron_type == "spatial": neuron_idx = spatial_idx neuron_idx = tuple(zip(*neuron_idx)) else: neuron_idx = tuple(zip(neuron_idx)) # add each neuron to the dict with its value # neuron format: (layer index, (full neuron index,)) full_idx = tuple((layer, idx) for idx in neuron_idx) neuron_dict[layer] = {idx: val for idx, val in zip(full_idx, values)} # construct dicts for synapse counts and weights synapse_stats = { "counts": self._synapse_counts, "weights": self._synapse_weights, } synapse_views = {stat: dict() for stat in synapse_stats} for stat in synapse_stats: synapse_spmat = synapse_stats[stat] synapse_dict = synapse_views[stat] for layer in synapse_spmat: dims = self._activation_shapes[layer] # list predecessors/input layers pred_list = self._pred_dict[layer] # split sparse matrix if there are two input layers (i.e. resnetadd) if len(pred_list) == 2: pred_spmats = ( synapse_spmat[layer].tocsr()[: dims[1], : dims[1]], synapse_spmat[layer].tocsr()[dims[1] :, dims[1] :], ) pred_nonzero = tuple(p.nnz > 0 for p in pred_spmats) if not all(pred_nonzero): pred_spmats = tuple( p for p, nz in zip(pred_spmats, pred_nonzero) if nz ) pred_list = tuple( pdx for pdx, nz in zip(pred_list, pred_nonzero) if nz ) else: pred_spmats = (synapse_spmat[layer],) synapse_dict[layer] = dict() # add synapses from each input layer to the dict for pred, spmat in zip(pred_list, pred_spmats): pdims = self._activation_shapes[pred] # list input neurons, output neurons, and values from sparse matrix synapses = [(*syn, val) for syn, val in spmat.todok().items()] out_idx, in_idx, values = zip(*synapses) full_idxs = [] # convert flat indices of input and output neurons to full spatial # or element indices if necessary for ldx, ldims, neuron_idx in ( (pred, pdims, in_idx), (layer, dims, out_idx), ): if ( len(ldims) == 4 and self._neuron_type != "channel" and self._neuron_type != "svd" ): if self._neuron_type == "element": neuron_idx = np.unravel_index(neuron_idx, ldims[1:]) elif self._neuron_type == "spatial": neuron_idx = np.unravel_index(neuron_idx, ldims[2:]) neuron_idx = tuple(zip(*neuron_idx)) else: neuron_idx = tuple(zip(neuron_idx)) full_idxs += [tuple((ldx, idx) for idx in neuron_idx)] in_idx, out_idx = full_idxs # add each synapse to the dict with its value # synapse format: ((input layer index, (input neuron index,)), # (output layer index, (output neuron index,))) synapse_dict[layer].update( {(i, o): v for i, o, v in zip(in_idx, out_idx, values)} ) return Profile( neuron_counts=neuron_views["counts"], neuron_weights=neuron_views["weights"], synapse_counts=synapse_views["counts"], synapse_weights=synapse_views["weights"], activation_shapes=self._activation_shapes, pred_dict=self._pred_dict, num_inputs=self._num_inputs, neuron_type=f"{self._neuron_type} (dict)", )