Source code for classes.svd_influential

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import torch
from deep_data_profiler.classes.torch_profiler import TorchProfiler
from deep_data_profiler.utils import matrix_convert
from deep_data_profiler.classes.profile import Profile
import scipy.sparse as sp
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

[docs]class SVDProfiler(TorchProfiler): """ Torch Profiler wraps a PyTorch model into a TorchHook model which can register activations as it evaluates data. Using the activations, inputs to the model may be profiled. The function call to generate an influenial SVD profile is slightly different than that for SpatialProfiler/ChannelProfiler. Here is how to create a profile: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python import deep_data_profiler as ddp # define the profiler influential_profiler = ddp.SVDProfiler(model) # profile a tensor x profile = influential_profiler.create_influential(x) # view neuron weights dictionary print(profile.neuron_weights) # view the neuron weights for a specific layer print(profile.neuron_weights[22].todense()) ... Attributes ---------- implemented_classes : list Set of classes in PyTorch which we can find influential for model : torch.nn.Sequential() Model to be profiled """ def __init__( self, model: torch.nn.Sequential, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), compute_svd: bool = True, ): super().__init__(model) self.device = device self.implemented_classes = [ torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Conv2d, ] self.pred_dict = { nd[0]: sorted([preds[0] for preds in self.SG.predecessors(nd)]) for nd in sorted(self.SG) } if compute_svd: self.svd_dict = self.create_svd() else: self.svd_dict = None
[docs] def create_svd( self, layers_to_find: Optional[List[int]] = None ) -> Dict[int, Tuple[str, torch.svd]]: """ Create a dictionary of the Singular Value Decomposition of a layer's weights. Parameters ---------- layers_to_find : list, optional Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for. Returns ------- svd_dict : dict A dictionary of SVD of weights, keyed by their position from the beginning of the model, according to the order the layers of the model are listed. """ # ordered dictionary to feed to influential profiler svd_dict = OrderedDict() SGnodes = sorted(self.SG.nodes, key=lambda nd: nd[0]) if layers_to_find is None: ltf = range(1, len(SGnodes)) elif isinstance(layers_to_find, list): ltf = [lyr for lyr in layers_to_find if lyr >= 1 or lyr <= len(SGnodes) - 1] else: # a tuple is expected start = max(1, layers_to_find[0]) end = min(len(SGnodes), layers_to_find[1]) ltf = range(start, end) for ndx in ltf: nd = SGnodes[ndx] layertype = type(self.model.available_modules()[nd[1]]) if layertype in self.implemented_classes: # grab the weights for the layer X = self.hooks[nd[1]]._parameters["weight"].detach() # if a Cond2d layer, 'unfold' if layertype is torch.nn.Conv2d: X = torch.flatten(X, start_dim=1, end_dim=-1) # take SVD and put into dict svd = torch.svd(X, compute_uv=True) svd_dict[nd[0]] = (self.supernodes[nd[1]], svd) return svd_dict
[docs] def create_influential( self, x: torch.Tensor, layers_to_find: Optional[List[int]] = None, threshold: float = 0.1, activations=None, aggregation="sum", ) -> Profile: """ Generate an influential profile for a single input data x. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor input to model being profiled layers_to_find : list, optional Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for. threshold : float, optional, default=0.1 Percentage of contribution to track in a profile. Returns ------- profile.Profile profile contains neuron_counts, neuron_weights across layers. Corresponding number of images = 1 """ # Create empty dictionaries for storing neurons neuron_counts = defaultdict(torch.Tensor) neuron_weights = defaultdict(torch.Tensor) with torch.no_grad(): if not activations: y, activations = self.model.forward(x) else: activations = activations # dictionary of SVDs of the weights per layer, # if not already pre-computed when SVDInfluential was defined if not self.svd_dict: self.svd_dict = self.create_svd(layers_to_find=layers_to_find) activation_shapes = {} activations["x_in"] = x for ldx, modules in self.svd_dict.items(): if "resnetadd" in modules[1]: activation_shapes[ldx] = activations[modules[0][1]].shape else: activation_shapes[ldx] = activations[modules[0][0]].shape for k, (layer_name, svd) in self.svd_dict.items(): layer_name = layer_name[0] layer_activations = activations[layer_name].squeeze( 0 ) # noqa remove batch dimension layer_reshape = layer_activations.view(layer_activations.shape[0], -1) # get bias term, check it's not None bias = self.hooks[layer_name]._parameters["bias"] if bias is not None: layer_reshape = layer_reshape - bias.unsqueeze(1) # take SVD projection uprojy = torch.matmul(, ) # average over the spatial dimensions if aggregation == "sum": agg = ( torch.sum(uprojy, axis=1) / uprojy.shape[1] ) # noqa torch.max(uprojy, axis=1).values # calculate influential neurons ( neuron_counts[k], neuron_weights[k], ) = SVDProfiler.influential_svd_neurons( agg, threshold=threshold, device=self.device ) elif aggregation == "max": agg = torch.max(uprojy, dim=1).values (neuron_counts[k], neuron_weights[k],) = ( matrix_convert(torch.ones(agg.shape)), matrix_convert(agg), ) elif aggregation == "min": agg = torch.min(uprojy, dim=1).values (neuron_counts[k], neuron_weights[k],) = ( matrix_convert(torch.ones(agg.shape)), matrix_convert(agg), ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Do not recognize aggregation {agg}") return Profile( neuron_counts=neuron_counts, neuron_weights=neuron_weights, num_inputs=1, activation_shapes=activation_shapes, pred_dict=self.pred_dict, neuron_type="svd", )
[docs] def create_projections( self, x: torch.Tensor, layers_to_find: Optional[List[int]] = None, ): """ Generate SVD projections for a single input data x. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor input to model being profiled layers_to_find : list, optional Optional list of layers to find influential SVD neurons for. Returns ------- projections: dict SVD projections keyed by layer """ # Create empty dictionaries for storing neurons projections = defaultdict(torch.Tensor) with torch.no_grad(): y, activations = self.model.forward(x) # dictionary of SVDs of the weights per layer, # if not already pre-computed when SVDInfluential was defined if not self.svd_dict: self.svd_dict = self.create_svd(layers_to_find=layers_to_find) for k, (layer_name, svd) in self.svd_dict.items(): layer_name = layer_name[0] layer_activations = activations[layer_name].squeeze( 0 ) # noqa remove batch dimension layer_reshape = layer_activations.view(layer_activations.shape[0], -1) # get bias term, check it's not None bias = self.hooks[layer_name]._parameters["bias"] if bias is not None: layer_reshape = layer_reshape - bias.unsqueeze(1) # take SVD projection uprojy = torch.matmul(svd.U.T, layer_reshape) projections[k] = uprojy return projections
[docs] @staticmethod def influential_svd_neurons( agg: torch.Tensor, threshold: float = 0.1, norm=1, device=torch.device("cpu") ) -> Tuple[sp.coo_matrix, sp.coo_matrix]: """ Returns a dictionary of relative contributions keyed by influential SVD neurons for layer up to some threshold Parameters ---------- agg : torch.Tensor The SVD projections tensor, with some aggregation applied. Expected to be 1-D. ord (int, float, +/-inf, 'fro', 'nuc', optional) order of norm. See Returns ------- influential_neurons : sp.coo_matrix Matrix representing the influential neurons within the threshold influential_weights : sp.coo_matrix Matrix assigning weights to each influential neuron according to its contribution to the threshold """ with torch.no_grad(): m = torch.linalg.norm( agg.view((agg.shape[0], -1)), ord=norm, dim=1 ).unsqueeze(0) # sort ordsmat_vals, ordsmat_indices = torch.sort(m, descending=True) # take the cumsum and normalize by total contribution per dim cumsum = torch.cumsum(ordsmat_vals, dim=1) totalsum = cumsum[:, -1].detach() # find the indices within the threshold goal, per dim bool_accept = (cumsum / totalsum.unsqueeze(-1)) <= threshold accept = torch.sum(bool_accept, dim=1) # normalize by final accepted cumsum ordsmat_vals /= cumsum[:, accept - 1] # add additional accept, ie accept + 1 try: # use range to enumerate over batch size entries of accept bool_accept[range(len(accept)), accept] = True except IndexError: print("taking all values as influential") # find accepted synapses, all other values zero. # note: it is ordered by largest norm value unordered_weights = torch.where( bool_accept, ordsmat_vals, torch.zeros(ordsmat_vals.shape, device=device), ) # re-order to mantain proper neuron ordering influential_weights = unordered_weights.gather( 1, ordsmat_indices.argsort(1) ) influential_neurons = influential_weights.bool().int() return matrix_convert(influential_neurons), matrix_convert( influential_weights )
# final three methods are defined so the method plays nicely # with the newest ddp version
[docs] def influence_generator(self): pass
[docs] def single_profile(self): pass
[docs] def create_profile(self): pass