

The userdata_space.csv file can be used to change the window-to-wall ratio and also provides an alternative way to assign Appendix G lighting space types to the model. See model_requirements for additional information on lighting space types and the list of valid entries. The .csv file consists of the following fields.

The userdata_space.csv file allows the application of multiple lighting space types to a single Space object in the model. Each lighting space type entered into the userdata_space_type.csv file must be paired with a fraction value to indicate the percentage of the floor area for spaces that is to be assigned to that lighting space type.

For example, consider a space named CoreOfficeSpace, that contains 25% private office, 50% open office, and 25% corridor. The entries in the userdata_space.csv file would be as follows:

name building_type_for_wwr num_std_ltg_types std_ltg_type01 std_ltg_type_frac01 std_ltg_type02 std_ltg_type_frac02 std_ltg_type03 std_ltg_type_frac03 has_residential_exception
CoreOfficeSpace Office 5,000 to 50,000 sq ft 3 office - enclosed <= 250 sf 0.25 office - open 0.50 corridor - all other 0.25 false

The resulting baseline will have a weighted average lighting power of the three assigned lighting spacetypes based on the fractions in the table. Spaces not listed in the table will default to the StandardsSpaceType property of the SpaceType object. An error will result if the fractions supplied by the user do not add up to 1.0.

Data Fields Details

Here is a detailed explanation of what each data field requires.


Name of the Space object in the model.


Building type for Window to Wall ratio. This field is used to determine the baseline model’s window-to-wall ratio. It should be set to one of the following values that best describes the proposed model’s building type.

  • All others
  • Grocery store
  • Healthcare (outpatient)
  • Hospital
  • Hotel/motel <= 75 rooms
  • Hotel/motel > 75 rooms
  • Office 5,000 to 50,000 sq ft
  • Office <= 5,000 sq ft
  • Office > 50,000 sq ft
  • Restaurant (full service)
  • Restaurant (quick service)
  • Retail (stand alone)
  • Retail (strip mall)
  • School (primary)
  • School (secondary and university)
  • Warehouse (nonrefrigerated)

Number of lighting space types. If a space is divided into 3 number of lighting space types as shown in the example above, enter 3.


Type of standard lighting space where x represents the index/count (1,2,3 and so on). If a space has multiple lighting spaces, mention each of the type separately, for example, std_ltg_type01 = office-enclosed<=250 sf, std_ltg_type02 = office-open etc.


Fraction of the floor area for spaces that is to be assigned to that lighting space type.


This allows the modeler to claim an exception for residential/dwelling units where the lighting systems are connected via receptacles and not included in the design documents. If True, LPD will be assigned based on the rules of 90.1 2019 Table G3.1, Section 6 Lighting. This is applicable only for proposed models.

  • A value of true for a given space indicates an exception applies to the space.
  • A value of false or no value indicates there is no exception.

A similar capability exists for Space Type objects through the userdata_space_type.csv file.