Run the measure

C. Run the measure in OS App

Before running the measure, review the model requirements in Model Requirements

graph LR; A(1.Navigate to Measures tab) --> B(_2. Optional Step_ Check measure directory) B --> C(3.Select measure) C --> D(4.Adjust measure inputs) D --> E(5.Run simulation)
  1. Navigate to the Measures tab from the vertical list on the left side of the interface.
  2. Optional: Check that the measure exists in the local measures directory by clicking on the my folder at the bottom right corner.
  3. Go to the Library (right side). Under Whole Building > Space Types, select the Create ASHRAE 90.1-2019 PRM Model measure and drag it into the OpenStudio Measures section (left side).
  4. After dropping the measure, click on the measure and enter/adjust the measure inputs/arguments under the Edit tab (right side). Upload the user data .csv files here (optional). The use of the user data can be found in the add compliance data section. A detailed description of the arguments can be found in the API document.
  5. Navigate to the Run Simulation tab to execute the simulation.

Openstudio download measure

Measure Inputs

Openstudio download measure

User input 1: Default Building Area Type for Window To Wall Ratio

Select a default building type for WWR assignment based on 90.1 Appendix G table G 3.1.1-1. The full list of available building area types can be found in the Baseline generation API, Argument 5.

User input 2: Default Building Area Type for Service Water Heating

Select a default building type for SWH system type assignment based on 90.1 Appendix G Table G3.1.1-2. The full list of available building area types can be found in the Baseline generation API, Argument 6

User input 3: Default Type for HVAC

Select a default building type for HVAC system type assignment based on 90.1 Appendix G Table G3.1.1-3. The full list of available building area types can be found in the Baseline generation API, Argument 4

User input 4: Climate Zone

Select a climate zone to run the PRM measure. Note: PRM cannot select a climate zone from the provided model. This feature is under development.

User input 5: Exempt From Rotations

Select TRUE if the building in has rating authority approval that orientation is dictated by site consideration. Note: userdata_building can override this selection.

User input 6: Exempt From Unmet Load Hours Check

Select TRUE if the building in has rating authority approval allowing the models to exceed the specified values in Appendix G.

User input 7: Use User Data

Select TRUE if user data CSVs were provided and need to be incorporated in the PRM generation process.

User input 8: User Data Path

Required if select TRUE in Use User Data. A valid path string needs to be provided in this input field. The path string shall be the root folder that host all the user data CSV files.

For OpenStudio SDK 3.7 and OpenStudio Application 1.7, the string needs to be provided with forward slash. This also applies to Window OS. Example: C:\Documents\user_data needs to be revised to C:/Documents/user_data. Failed to compliant with the path format will cause PRM ignores the user data csvs.

User input 9: Use PRM evaluation package

Select TRUE if the PRM should be run with a customized OpenStudio Standards Package. This can be the source code package downloaded from OSSTD repo.

User input 10: Evaluation Package Path

Required if select TRUE in Use PRM evaluation package. A valid path string needs to be provided in this input field. The path string shall be pointing to the root folder of the customized OSSTD source code.