neuromancer.psl.base module
Base classes for dynamic systems.
- class neuromancer.psl.base.Backend(backend)[source]
- backends = {'numpy': {'cast': <built-in function array>, 'cat': <function concatenate>, 'core': <module 'numpy' from '/Users/raab944/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-PNNL/Documents/projects/buildings/neuromancer-src/neuromancer/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/'>, 'grad': <function Backend.<lambda>>, 'odeint': functools.partial(<function odeint>, tfirst=True)}, 'torch': {'cast': <built-in method tensor of type object>, 'cat': <built-in method cat of type object>, 'core': <module 'torch' from '/Users/raab944/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-PNNL/Documents/projects/buildings/neuromancer-src/neuromancer/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/'>, 'grad': <function grad>, 'odeint': <function odeint>}}
- numpy_backend = {'cast': <built-in function array>, 'cat': <function concatenate>, 'core': <module 'numpy' from '/Users/raab944/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-PNNL/Documents/projects/buildings/neuromancer-src/neuromancer/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/'>, 'grad': <function Backend.<lambda>>, 'odeint': functools.partial(<function odeint>, tfirst=True)}
- torch_backend = {'cast': <built-in method tensor of type object>, 'cat': <built-in method cat of type object>, 'core': <module 'torch' from '/Users/raab944/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-PNNL/Documents/projects/buildings/neuromancer-src/neuromancer/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/'>, 'grad': <function grad>, 'odeint': <function odeint>}
- class neuromancer.psl.base.EmulatorBase(exclude_norms=['Time'], backend='numpy', requires_grad=False, seed: int | Generator = 59, set_stats=True)[source]
- change_backend(backend=<module 'torch' from '/Users/raab944/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-PNNL/Documents/projects/buildings/neuromancer-src/neuromancer/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/'>)[source]
- get_x0()[source]
Randomly sample an initial condition
- Parameters:
box – Dictionary with keys ‘min’ and ‘max’ and values np.arrays with shape=(nx,)
- normalize(data, normalizer=None, key=None)[source]
- Parameters:
data – (Tensor, ndarray, or dict of tensor or ndarray)
- Returns:
- property params
- set_stats(x0=None, U=None, D=None, nsim=None, sim=None)[source]
Get a hyperbox defined by min and max values on each of nx axes. Used to sample initial conditions for simulations. Box is generated by simulating system with step size ts for nsim steps and then taking the min and max along each axis
- Parameters:
system – (psl.ODE_NonAutonomous)
ts – (float) Timestep interval size
nsim – (int) Number of simulation steps to use in defining box
- show(data=None, figname=None)[source]
By default will plot the data used to generate initial system statistics from the canonical 1000 step simulation.
- Parameters:
data – (dict {str: Tensor or ndarray}) Will plot data from any system simulation given via this argument
figname – (str) Optional name for figure. By default uses class name and saves figure as .png.
- class neuromancer.psl.base.EquationWrapper(Time, U, equations, backend)[source]
The interface for odeint methods in torch and scipy does not handle exogenous inputs. This wrapper allows us to index control inputs by time point.
- class neuromancer.psl.base.ODE_Autonomous(exclude_norms=['Time'], backend='numpy', requires_grad=False, seed: int | Generator = 59, set_stats=True)[source]
base class autonomous ODE
- forward(x, t)[source]
Define the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
- simulate(nsim=None, Time=None, ts=None, x0=None)[source]
- Parameters:
nsim – (int) Number of steps for open loop response
ninit – (float) initial simulation time
ts – (float) step size, sampling time
Time – (Sequence of float) Optional timesteps to integrate over.
x0 – (float) state initial conditions
- Returns:
The response matrices, i.e. X
- class neuromancer.psl.base.ODE_NonAutonomous(exclude_norms=['Time'], backend='numpy', requires_grad=False, seed: int | Generator = 59, set_stats=True)[source]
base class non-autonomous ODE
- forward(x, u)[source]
For compatibility with the System class for open/closed loop simulations
- Parameters:
x – 2d Matrix (1, nx) # for torch backend generalize to (batchsize, nx)
t – (1, 1)
u – (1, nu)
- Returns:
x_next (1, nx)
- get_R(nsim)[source]
For sampling a sequence of reference trajectories
- Parameters:
nsim – (int) Length of sequence
- Returns:
Matrix nsim X nx0
- get_U(nsim, umin=None, umax=None, signal=None, **signal_kwargs)[source]
For sampling a sequence of control actions :param nsim: length of sequence :return: Matrix nsim X nU
- simulate(nsim=None, Time=None, ts=None, x0=None, U=None)[source]
- Parameters:
nsim – (int) Number of steps for open loop response
Time – (Sequence of float) Optional timesteps to integrate over.
ts – (float) step size, sampling time
x0 – (float) state initial conditions
- Returns:
Dictionary containing X, Y, U
- neuromancer.psl.base.cast_backend(method)[source]
Decorator to cast numerics to appropriate backend.
- Parameters:
- Returns: