neuromancer.trainer module

class neuromancer.trainer.CustomEarlyStopping(monitor, patience, warmup=0)[source]

Bases: EarlyStopping

Custom early stopping callback inherited from PyTorch Lightning Early Stopping. Needed to support proper warmup functionality (early stopping cannot occur within warmup grace period)

class neuromancer.trainer.LitTrainer(epochs=1000, train_metric='train_loss', dev_metric='dev_loss', test_metric='test_loss', eval_metric='dev_loss', patience=None, warmup=0, clip=100.0, custom_optimizer=None, save_weights=True, weight_path='./', weight_name=None, devices='auto', strategy='auto', accelerator='auto', profiler=None, custom_training_step=None, custom_hooks=None, logger=None, hparam_config=None, automatic_optimization=True)[source]

Bases: Trainer


Apply custom hooks to the model. :param model: The LightningModule to which custom hooks are applied.

fit(problem, data_setup_function, **kwargs)[source]

Fits (trains) a base neuromancer Problem to a data defined by a data setup function). This function will also instantiate a Lightning version of the provided Problem and LightningDataModule associated with the data setup function

  • problem – A Neuromancer Problem() we want to train/fit

  • data_setup_function – A function that returns train/dev/test Neuromancer DictDatasets as well as batch_size to use

class neuromancer.trainer.Trainer(problem: ~neuromancer.problem.Problem, train_data:, dev_data: | None = None, test_data: | None = None, optimizer: ~torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer | None = None, logger: ~neuromancer.loggers.BasicLogger | None = None, callback=<neuromancer.callbacks.Callback object>, lr_scheduler=False, epochs=1000, epoch_verbose=1, patience=5, warmup=0, train_metric='train_loss', dev_metric='dev_loss', test_metric='test_loss', eval_metric='dev_loss', eval_mode='min', clip=100.0, multi_fidelity=False, device='cpu')[source]

Bases: object

Class encapsulating boilerplate PyTorch training code. Training procedure is somewhat extensible through methods in Callback objects associated with training and evaluation waypoints.


This method is deprecated. Use self.test instead.


Evaluate the model on all data splits.


Optimize model according to train_metric and validate per-epoch according to eval_metric. Trains for self.epochs and terminates early if self.patience threshold is exceeded.

neuromancer.trainer.move_batch_to_device(batch, device='cpu')[source]