Authors: (none)
Version: 0.4.0
License: BSD_3_clause + LICENSE
A collection of functions for statistical computing and data manipulation in R. Includes routines for data ingestion, operating on dataframes and matrices, conversion to and from lists, converting factors, filename manipulation, programming utilities, parallelization, plotting, statistical and mathematical operations, and time series.
parallel, utils, plyr, doParallel, methods
Loads and returns the object(s) in the “.Rdata” file. This is useful for naming the object(s) in the “.Rdata” file something other than the name it was saved as.
The object(s) contained in RdataFiles
, organized into lists and named as required to distinguish them completely. See Examples.
# Create some filenames we'll use in this example
fileName1 <- "demo_load_object_1.Rdata"
fileName2 <- "demo_load_object_2.Rdata"
# Make an example object
x <- data.frame(a = 1:10, b = rnorm(10))
# Save and reload the file
save(x, file = fileName1)
y <- loadObject(fileName1)
# Note how 'x' is not in the global environment
# This is the object that was in 'fileName'
# Here's an example with two objects saved in a single file
a <- rnorm(10)
b <- rnorm(20)
save(a, b, file = fileName2)
# Load the results and show them
z <- loadObject(fileName2)
# And here's an example with more than one file
both <- loadObject(c(fileName1, fileName2))
# Delete the files
unlink(c(fileName1, fileName2))
Landon Sego
Imports .Rdata, .csv, package data sets, and regular data frames This is expecially useful when a function requires data as an argument–and in some cases the data frame already exists as an object, ready to be passed into the function, but in other cases it may be more convenient to read the data from a file.
A data frame (or list of data frames) containing the requested data.
# Write a simple data set <-data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=rpois(10, 5))
write.csv(, file="tmp.file.csv", row.names=FALSE)
save(, file="tmp.file.Rdata")
A <- dataIn("tmp.file.csv")
B <- dataIn("tmp.file.Rdata")
C <- dataIn(
# We expect these to be equivalent (this should be TRUE)
all(c(dframeEquiv(A, B, verbose=FALSE)$equiv,
dframeEquiv(B, C, verbose=FALSE)$equiv,
dframeEquiv(A, C, verbose=FALSE)$equiv))
# Delete the files
unlink(c("tmp.file.csv", "tmp.file.Rdata"))
# Loading data from a package <- dataIn("datasets::AirPassengers")
# remove example objects
rm(A, B, C,,
Landon Sego
Indicates which rows or columns in a data frame or matrix are completely missing (all values are NA’s).
allMissing(dframe, byRow = TRUE)
will identify rows that have all missing values. = FALSE
identifies entire missing columns
A logical vector that is true if all the elements in the corresponding row (or column) are NAs.
# Start off with a simple data frame that has a few missing values
d1 <- data.frame(x=c(3,4,NA,1,10,NA), y=c(NA,"b","c","d","e",NA))
# Identify rows were the entire row is missing
# Only removes rows where all the values are missing
# All missing can also be used to identify if any of the
# columns are 'all missing'
d2 <- data.frame(x=c(rnorm(3), NA, rnorm(6)), y=rep(NA,10), z=letters[1:10])
# Look for columns that are all missing
allMissing(d2, byRow=FALSE)
# Remove columns where all the values are missing
d2[,!allMissing(d2, byRow = FALSE)]
Landon Sego
Checks whether two data objects (data frames and/or matrices) are equivalent and returns a descriptive message describing the result.
dframeEquiv(d1, d2, maxAbsError = 1e-12, maxRelError = 1e-14, verbose = TRUE)
will be declared equivalent
will be declared equivalent
prints the result of the comparison
and d2
do not both have to be of the same mode; i.e. d1
could be a dataframe and d2
could be a matrix. If the number of rows or the number of columns differ, then no further comparisons are made. If the colnames or rownames differ, then those differences are noted and comparison continues. If two corresponding elements are both NA
, then they are considered equivalent. Likewise, Inf
is considered equivalent to Inf
and -Inf
is considered equivalent to -Inf
. Factors in dataframes are converted to character strings prior to comparison. Comparisons are made one column at a time.
If a particular column from both objects are numeric, then for two corresponding values, say, a
and b
, equivalence is declared if one or more of the following occurs: 1) a == b
, 2) abs(a - b) < maxAbsError
, 3) abs((a - b) / b) < maxRelError
if abs(b) > abs(a)
, or abs((a - b) / a) < maxRelError
if abs(b) >= abs(a)
If both columns are not numeric, they are coerced (if need be) to character and then compared directly.
Invisibly returns a list with the following components. (If the matrices do not have the same dimensions or the same colnames and rownames, then frac.equiv
, loc.equiv
, and equiv.matrix
are all NULL
). equiv=TRUE
if d1
is equivalent to d2
msgMessages that describe the comparison. (These are printed when verbose=TRUE
.) frac.equivThe fraction of matrix elements that are equivalent loc.inequivA data frame indicating the row and column coordinate locations of the elements that are not equivalent eqiv.matrixA boolean matrix with the same dimension as d1
and d2
, indicating the equivalent elements
# Number of rows different
dframeEquiv(matrix(rnorm(20), nrow = 4),
matrix(rnorm(25), nrow = 5))
# Number of columns different
dframeEquiv(matrix(rnorm(16), nrow = 4),
matrix(rnorm(20), nrow = 4))
# Rownames differ
dframeEquiv(matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(1:3, NULL)),
matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:3], NULL)))
# Colnames differ
dframeEquiv(matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, 1:3)),
matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, letters[1:3])))
# Not equivalent
x <- data.frame(x = factor(c(1,1,2,2,3,3)), y = rnorm(6))
y <- data.frame(x = factor(c(1,2,2,2,3,3)), y = c(x$y[-6],rnorm(1)))
dframeEquiv(x, y)
# Look at discrepancies
out <- dframeEquiv(x, y)
# Equivalent
x <- data.frame(x = letters[1:6], y = 0:5)
y <- x
dframeEquiv(x, y)
Landon Sego
A wrapper for rbind
and cbind
to quickly bind numerous objects together at once using a single call to rbind
or cbind
. This function is most helpful when there are many objects to bind and the object names are easily represented in text.
qbind(objects, type = c("row", "col", "c"))
or “col” for cbind
, and “c” for concatenating using c
. Defaults to “row”.
The bound object
# Row binding
a1 <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = rnorm(3), c = runif(3))
a2 <- data.frame(a = 4:6, b = rnorm(3), c = runif(3))
a3 <- data.frame(a = 7:9, b = rnorm(3), c = runif(3))
qbind(paste("a", 1:3, sep = ""))
# Column binding
b1 <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, dimnames = list(1:3, letters[1:3]))
b2 <- matrix(10:18, nrow = 3, dimnames = list(4:6, letters[4:6]))
b3 <- matrix(19:27, nrow = 3, dimnames = list(7:9, letters[7:9]))
qbind(paste("b", 1:3, sep = ""), type = "col")
# Concatenating a vector
a1 <- c(x = 1, y = 2)
a2 <- c(z = 3, w = 4)
qbind(c("a1", "a2"), type = "c")
Landon Sego
smartRbindMat(..., distinguish = FALSE, filler = NA)
, then rownames of the returned matrix are assigned a name consisting of the source object name as a prefix, followed by the row name, separated by a “:”. Otherwise, the original rownames are used.
Produces a matrix with a union of the column names. Empty elements resulting from different column names are set to the value of filler
x <- matrix(rnorm(6), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[1:3],letters[4:5]))
y <- matrix(rnorm(6), ncol = 3, dimnames = list(letters[7:8],letters[4:6]))
z <- matrix(rnorm(2), nrow = 1, dimnames = list("c",letters[3:4]))
smartRbindMat(list(x, y, z), distinguish = TRUE)
smartRbindMat(y,z,x, distinguish = TRUE)
smartRbindMat(c("y","x","z"), filler = -20, distinguish = TRUE)
w1 <- matrix(sample(letters[1:26], 6), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("3", "", "4"), c("w", "v")))
x1 <- matrix(sample(letters[1:26], 6), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(NULL, letters[4:5]))
y1 <- matrix(sample(letters[1:26], 6), ncol = 3,
dimnames = list(NULL, letters[4:6]))
z1 <- matrix(sample(letters[1:26], 2), nrow = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, letters[3:4]))
smartRbindMat(list(w1 = w1, x1 = x1, y1 = y1, z1 = z1), distinguish = TRUE)
smartRbindMat(w1,x1,y,z1,z, distinguish = TRUE)
Landon Sego
The primary contribution of this function is that if a single row or column is selected, the object that is returned will be a matrix or a dataframe—and it will not be collapsed into a single vector, as is the usual behavior in R.
select(data, selection, cols = TRUE)
, indicates that columns will be selected. If FALSE
, rows will be selected.
Selecting no rows or no columns is possible if selection = 0
or if length(selection) == 0
. In this case, a data frame or matrix with either 0 columns or 0 rows is returned.
The matrix or data frame is returned with the selected columns or rows.
# Consider this data frame
d <- data.frame(a = 1:5, b = rnorm(5), c = letters[1:5], d = factor(6:10),
row.names = LETTERS[1:5], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# We get identical behavior when selecting more than one column
d1 <- d[, c("d", "c")]
d1c <- select(d, c("d", "c"))
identical(d1, d1c)
# Different behavior when selecting a single column
select(d, "a")
# We can also select using numeric indexes
select(d, 1)
# Selecting a single row from a data frame produces results identical to default R behavior
d2 <- d[2,]
d2c <- select(d, "B", cols = FALSE)
identical(d2, d2c)
# Now consider a matrix
m <- matrix(rnorm(20), nrow = 4, dimnames = list(LETTERS[1:4], letters[1:5]))
# Column selection with two or more or more columns is equivalent to default R behavior
m1 <- m[,c(4, 3)]
m1c <- select(m, c("d", "c"))
identical(m1, m1c)
# Selecting a single column returns a matrix of 1 column instead of a vector
select(m, 2)
# Selecting a single row returns a matrix of 1 row instead of a vector
m2 <- m["C",]
m2c <- select(m, "C", cols = FALSE)
# Selecting no rows or no columns occurs if 0 or an object of length 0
# is passed to 'selection'
select(d, 0)
select(d, which("bizarre" %in% colnames(d)))
select(d, 0, cols = FALSE)
Landon Sego
Convert a data frame to a list, where each element of the output list consists of a named list (or a named vector) containing a single row of the data frame.
df2list(df, out.type = c("list", "data.frame", "vector"))
A list where each element consists of a named list, single-row data frame, or a named vector, containing a single row of the original data frame.
d <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
d1 <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 7:9)
df2list(d1, out.type = "v")
Landon Sego
Convert a list of vectors (or data frames) with same numbered lengths (or number of columns) into a data frame.
col.names = NULL,
row.names = NULL,
convert.numeric = TRUE, = FALSE
with column names that will be given to the output data frame. If col.names = NULL
, column names are extracted if possible from the column names (or names) of the data frames (or vectors).
containing the row names of the output data frame. If row.names = NULL
, row names from the data frames (or names of the vList
elements) if possible.
is list of vectors, = TRUE
attempts to convert each column to numeric if possible using as.numericSilent
is a list of vectors or lists, = FALSE
converts factors into characters using factor2character
If the elements of vList
are vectors, each vector must have the same length, n
, and the resulting data frame will have n
columns. If the elements of vList
are data frames, each data frame must have the same structure (though they may have differing numbers of rows). If the elements of vList
are lists, each list is first converted to a data frame via
and the resulting data frames must have the same structure (though they may have differing numbers of rows).
It is permissible for vList
to contain NULL
elements. list2df
performs numerous consistency checks to ensure that contents of vList
which are combined into the resulting data frame are conformable, labeled consistently, of the equivalent class when necessary, etc.
If vList
is list of data frames, a data frame resulting from efficiently row binding the data frames in vList
is returned. If vList
is a list of vectors, a data frame is returned where the first column contains the first elements of the list vectors, the second column contains the second elements of the list vectors, etc.
# For a list of vectors
x <- c("r1c1 1", "r2c1 2", "r3c1 3", "r4c4 4")
y <- strsplit(x, "\ ")
list2df(y, col.names = LETTERS[1:2])
# Here's another list of vectors
z <- list(NULL, a = c(first = 10, second = 12), NULL, b = c(first = 15, second = 17))
# For a list of data frames
z <- list(d1 = data.frame(a = 1:4, b = letters[1:4]),
d2 = data.frame(a = 5:6, b = letters[5:6]))
# A list of lists
z <- list(list(a = 10, b = TRUE, c = "hi"), list(a = 12, b = FALSE, c = c("there", "bye")))
Landon Sego
sepList(X, envir = parent.frame(), objNames = names(X), verbose = FALSE)
, the environment where sepList
was called.
must match the length of the list, X
The names of the objects are determined by the names in the list. If names in the list are not present, the objects are named o1, o2, o3, etc.
Invisibly returns a character vector of the names of the objects that were created, and assigns the objects to the environment specified by envir
# Simplest way to use sepList()
aList <- list(a = 1:10, b = letters[1:5], d = TRUE)
# Keeping the object names, and listing them via "verbose"
objs <- sepList(list(1:5, c("bits", "bytes"), c(TRUE, FALSE)), verbose = TRUE)
# Note that it doesn't recurse into sublists, only the top level object
# a and b are created
sepList(list(a = 1:2, b = list(b1 = 5, b2 = FALSE)), verbose = TRUE)
# Separate the original list inside a function, notice where the objects are written
sepTest <- function(x) {
# Keep objects inside the local environment
cat("Objects in the local environment before separating the list:\n")
cat("Objects in the local environment after separating the list:\n")
# Place objects in the global environment instead
cat("Objects in the global environment before separating the list:\n")
sepList(x, envir = .GlobalEnv)
cat("Objects in the local environment after separating the list:\n")
} # sepTest
sepTest(list(z1 = 10, z2 = "that"))
# Clean up example objects
rm(aList, a, b, d, objs, o1, o2, o3, sepTest, z1, z2)
Landon Sego
The same dataframe with the factor variables converted to character variables.
x <- data.frame(a=factor(c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4),rep(3,4))), y=rnorm(12))
x <- factor2character(x)
Landon Sego
converted to a numeric vector
# Define a factor object
y <- factor(5:7)
# incorrectly convert to numeric
# correctly convert
If as.numeric(x)
produces an error or warning, x
is returned unchanged. Otherwise, as.numeric(x)
is returned.
as.numericSilent(c("392.1", "that"))
Landon Sego
Get the extension of a vector of filenames, assuming that the extension is the set of characters that follows the last “.”
. A wrapper for grabLast
getExtension(vec, split.char = ".")
Assumes paths are delineated using forward slashes. If an NA
is supplied, then an NA
is returned. If the desired string doesnt exist (see examples below), a ""
is returned.
Character vector of filename extensions
getExtension(c(a = "this old file.doc",
b = "that young file.rtf",
c = "this.good.file.doc",
d = "this_bad_file",
e = "thisfile.",
f = NA,
g = "that.this.pdf",
h = ".", i = ""))
# An example with 'real' files
files <- dir(file.path(path.package(package = "Smisc"), "data"), full.names = TRUE)
Additional functions for filename manipulations: stripExtension
, stripPath
, getPath
, grabLast
, basename
, dirname
Landon Sego
Assumes paths are delineated using forward slashes. If an NA
is supplied, then an NA
is returned. If the desired string doesnt exist (see examples below), a ""
is returned.
Character vector with pathnames only, the filename removed
getPath(c(a="this.good.path/filename.R", b="nopath.R", c="/", d=NA,
e="path1/path2/", ""))
# An example with 'real' files
files <- dir(file.path(path.package(package = "Smisc"), "data"), full.names = TRUE)
Additional functions for filename manipulations: stripExtension
, getExtension
, stripPath
, grabLast
, basename
, dirname
Landon Sego
Remove the extension of a vector of filenames, assuming that the extension is the set of characters that follows the last “.”
stripExtension(vec, split.char = ".")
Assumes paths are delineated using forward slashes. If an NA
is supplied, then an NA
is returned. If the desired string doesnt exist (see examples below), a ""
is returned.
Character vector with the last “.” and the filename extension removed. Alternatively, another split character could be used.
stripExtension(c("this old file.doc", "that young file.rtf",
"this.good.file.doc", "this_bad_file"))
stripExtension(c("this old file*doc", "that young file*rtf",
"this*good*file*doc", "this_bad_file"), split.char = "*")
# Named vectors are not required, but are included here to make the
# output easier to read. This example demonstrates a number of
# pathological cases.
stripExtension(c(a = NA, b = ".doc", c = "this.pdf", d = "this.file.", e = ".",
f = "noExtension", g = "", h = ""))
# An example with 'real' files
files <- dir(file.path(path.package(package = "Smisc"), "data"), full.names = TRUE)
Additional functions for filename manipulations: getExtension
, stripPath
, getPath
, grabLast
, basename
, dirname
Landon Sego
Assumes paths are delineated using forward slashes. If an NA
is supplied, then an NA
is returned. If the desired string doesnt exist (see examples below), a ""
is returned.
Character vector with leading path removed from the filenames
stripPath(c(a = "this.good.path/filename.R", b = "nopath.R", c = "/", d = NA,
e = "only.paths.1/only.paths.2/", ""))
# An example with 'real' files
files <- dir(file.path(path.package(package = "Smisc"), "data"), full.names = TRUE)
Additional functions for filename manipulations: stripExtension
, getExtension
, getPath
, grabLast
, basename
, dirname
Landon Sego
Get the final set of characters from a vector after a single-character delimeter. This can be useful in filename manipulations, among other things.
grabLast(vec, split.char)
Character vector of the strings that appear after the last instance of split.char
grabLast(c(a="", "", "@",
"", NA, "2at'"), "@")
Additional functions for filename manipulations: stripExtension
, getExtension
, stripPath
, getPath
, basename
, dirname
Landon Sego
timeStamp(description, extension)
Character string of the form description_YYYY-MM-DD_HHMMSS.extension
timeStamp("aFilename", "txt")
Landon Sego
Pad a numeric vector with zeros so that each element in the vector either has 1) the same number of characters or 2) the same number of trailing decimal places.
padZero(vec, num = NULL, side = c("left", "right"))
, the value is chosen based on the longest string in the vector.
For side = left
, num
is the number of characters that each element of the padded, output vector should have. If num = NULL
, the largest number of characters that appears in the vector is chosen for num
For side = right
, num
is the number of decimal places to be displayed. If num = NULL
, the number of decimals in the element with the largest number of decimal places is used.
Note that vec
must be numeric when side = right
. However, vec
may be character when side = left
Character vector with the leading (or trailing) elements padded with zeros.
# Examples with 0's on the left
padZero(c(1, 10, 100))
padZero(c(1, 10, 100), num = 4)
# Examples with 0's on the right
padZero(c(1.2, 1.34, 1.399), side = "r")
padZero(c(1.2, 1.34, 1.399), num = 5, side = "r")
Landon Sego
Hard coding isn’t the best practice, but sometimes it’s useful, especially in one-off scripts for analyses. An typical example would be to select a large number of columns in a dataset by their names. This function facilitate hard coding constants into R by printing the code from a vector that would be needed to create that vector.
hardCode(x, vname = "x", vert = TRUE, ...)
) or horizontally (FALSE
Prints code (via cat
) that will create the vector. This code can then be copied into other source code. Returns nothing.
# With characters
hardCode(letters[1:3], vname = "new")
hardCode(letters[1], vert = FALSE)
hardCode(letters[1:3], vert = FALSE, vname = "new")
# With numbers
hardCode(3:5, vert = FALSE, vname = "num")
# With logicals
hardCode(c(FALSE, TRUE), vert = FALSE)
hardCode(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), vname = "newLogical")
Landon Sego
more(file, n = -1, display = c("all", "head", "tail"))
argument of readLines
. The default is -1
, which will read all the lines in the file.
, “head”
, or “tail”
. Defaults to “all”
, which causes all lines read from the file to be displayed, “head”
shows the first 6 lines that were read, and “tail”
shows the last 6 lines that were read.
Returns nothing, but it does display the contents of the file on the R console.
cat("Here's a file\n", "with a few lines\n",
"to read.\n", sep = "", file = "tmpFile.txt")
Landon Sego
A convenience function for writing the names and values of objects to the session window (and/or to another object). Especially useful to keep track of variables within loops.
pvar(..., digits = NULL, abbrev = NULL, sep = ";", verbose = TRUE)
, which corresponds to no restriction on the number of digits. This is passed to the digits
argument of round
, which corresonds to no restriction on the number of characters.
writes the value of the object(s) to the session window
Input objects can be numeric, character, and/or logical. They can also be atomic or vectors. It will accept data frames and matrices without error, but the results wont be easily readable.
Invisibly returns a character string containing the names of the objects and their values
x <- 10
y <- 20.728923
z <- "This.long.string"
pvar(x, y, z)
pvar(x, y, z, digits = 2)
pvar(x, y, z, abbrev = 4)
pvar(x, y, z, digits = 2, abbrev = 4)
pvar(x, y, z, sep = ",")
# values can be vectors too
x <- 10:12
y <- c("This","That")
v2 <- pvar(x, y, verbose = FALSE)
# Or a simple list
pvar(list(x = 1:2, y = "this", z = TRUE))
# Can be useful for keeping track of iterations in loops
for (i in 1:2) {
for (j in letters[1:2]) {
for (k in c("this","that")) {
pvar(i, j, k)
Landon Sego
Validate selected elements from a character vector using a variety of selection mechanisms: logical, names, or numerical indexes
selectElements(elements, cVec)
. Can be a logical vector, a vector of numeric indexes, or a character vector of element names. Note that logical vectors are not recycled as usual: they must be the same length as cVec
. If elements == NULL
is returned.
This function is especially useful for selecting rows or columns from data frames, while providing informative error messages if the elements
for selection are specified incorrectly.
A character vector with elements that were selected from cVec
using elements
# Define some "column names"
cnames <- letters[1:5]
# Select the 1st and 3rd column names using a variety of approaches
selectElements(c("a", "c"), cnames)
selectElements(c(1, 3), cnames)
selectElements(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), cnames)
# Select the 1st, 3rd, and 1st columns
selectElements(c("a", "c", "a"), cnames)
selectElements(c(1, 3, 1), cnames)
# If you don't want to select any of them
selectElements(NULL, cnames)
Sources all files with ‘.R’ or ‘.r’ extensions in a directory using a try-catch for each file
sourceDir(directory, recursive = FALSE, tryCatch = TRUE, ...)
descends into subdirectories of directory
, sourcing is protected in a try catch, i.e., if there is an error, sourceDir
will continue to the next file. If FALSE
, sourceDir
will stop if a file sources with an error.
In addition to sourcing files for general use, this function is also useful in package development to verify there are no syntax errors prior to building and compilation.
Invisibly returns a character vector containing the files that were identified for sourcing. Also prints a message indicating whether each file was sourced correctly or not.
Landon Sego
A more flexible version of stopifnot
that allows you to control the error message returned by each condition that doesn’t test true
stopifnotMsg(..., level = 1)
level = 1
goes back to the calling function, level = 2
goes back 2 levels, etc. See examples.
A call to stop
with the error messages from each condition that was FALSE
. If all conditions are TRUE
, returns NULL
# A simple function
aFunction <- function(x, a = 10, b = "text") {
# Check the arguments of the function
stopifnotMsg(is.numeric(x), "'x' must be numeric",
is.numeric(a), "'a' must be numeric",
a > 9, "'a' must be 10 or more",
is.character(b), "'b' must be character")
return(paste(x, a, b, sep = " -- "))
# This should run without error
aFunction(12, a = 13, b = "new")
# This should produce an error with 3 messages:
aFunction("new", a = 7, b = 5)
# And this should produce an error with 1 message:
aFunction(33, a = "bad")
### This illustrates how the 'level' argument works
# A check function that will be called within another
check <- function(a, lev) {
stopifnotMsg(is.numeric(a), "a must be numeric", level = lev)
# A function that uses the check.
f <- function(a, lev = 1) {
check(a, lev)
return(a + 10)
# Note how the error is attributed to 'check'
# But if we change the level to 2, the error will be attributed to 'f'
f("a", lev = 2)
Landon Sego
units = c("automatic", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days"),
return.time = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE
returns the elapsed time as one of the elements in a list. See “Value” below.
prints the elapsed time in the requested units.
If units = “automatic”
, then the units are choosen according to the following rule: If the duration is < 2 min, use seconds. Else if duration < 2 hours, use minutes. Else if < 2 days, use hours. Otherwise, use days.
If return.time = FALSE
, invisibly returns the evaluation of expr
. If return.time = TRUE
, invisibly returns a list with the following components: outThe evaluation of expr
elapsedThe elapsed time to evaluate expr
unitsThe time units of the elapsed time
# We can assign the object within the call to timeIt():
timeIt(x1 <- rnorm(10^6))
# We can just run the expression without assigning it to anything
timeIt(rnorm(10^7), units = "m")
# Or we can assign the result externally
x2 <- timeIt(rnorm(10^7))
# To store the elapsed time:
x3 <- timeIt(rnorm(10^7), verbose = FALSE, return.time = TRUE)
Landon Sego
An alias for rm(list = ls())
Landon Sego
A wrapper to make calls to parLapply
easier by initializing the cluster, exporting objects and expressions to the worker nodes, and shutting down the cluster.
njobs = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
expr = NULL,
varlist = NULL,
envir = parent.frame()
that will be exported
The expression in expr
is evaluated before the variables in varlist
are exported.
The same result given by lapply(X, FUN, …)
# Create a simple list
a <- list(a = rnorm(10), b = rnorm(20), c = rnorm(15))
# Some objects that will be needed by f1:
b1 <- rexp(20)
b2 <- rpois(10, 20)
# The function, which will depend on the Smisc package
f1 <- function(x, someText = "this.stuff") {
textJunk <- stripExtension(someText)
result <- mean(x) + max(b1) - min(b2)
return(list(textJunk, result))
# Call parLapplyW(), loading the Smisc package and passing in the "b1" and "b2" objects
res.1 <- parLapplyW(a, f1, someText = "that.stuff", njobs = 2,
expr = expression(library(Smisc)),
varlist = c("b1", "b2"))
# Call parLapplyW(), note that we're sending a different value for "b2" into the worker nodes
# via the 'expr' argument
res.2 <- parLapplyW(a, f1, someText = "that.stuff", njobs = 2,
expr = expression({library(Smisc); b2 <- rnorm(10)}),
varlist = c("b1"))
# These should not be equivalent
identical(res.1, res.2)
# Call lapply
res.3 <- lapply(a, f1, someText = "that.stuff")
# Compare results, these should be equivalent
identical(res.1, res.3)
Landon Sego
Parses a large list into subsets and submits a separate batch R job that calls lapply
on the subset. plapply
has some features that may not be readily available in other parallelization functions like mclapply
and parLapply
files produced by each R instance are easily accessible for convenient debugging of errors or warnings. The .Rout
files can also serve as an explicit record of the work that was performed by the workers
njobs = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
packages = NULL,
header.file = NULL,
needed.objects = NULL,
needed.objects.env = parent.frame(),
workDir = "plapply",
clobber = TRUE,
max.hours = 24,
check.interval.sec = 1,
collate = FALSE,
random.seed = NULL,
rout = NULL,
clean.up = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
in order to create an environment that will satisfy all potential dependencies for FUN
, no file is sourced.
that may be needed by FUN
which are loaded into the global environment of each new instance of R that is launched. If NULL
, no additional objects are passed.
reside. This defaults to the environment in which plapply
is called.
will be overwritten if it exists and contains files. If clobber = FALSE
, and workDir
contains files, plapply
throws an error.
to complete.
have completed.
creates a first-in-first-out processing order of the elements of the input list X
. This logical is passed to the collate
argument of parseJob
random.seed = NULL
, no randomization is performed and the elements of the input list are subdivided sequentially among the jobs. This variable is passed to the random.seed
argument of parseJob
. If collate = TRUE
, no randomization is performed and random.seed
is ignored.
files will be gathered. If rout = NULL
, the .Rout
files are not gathered, but left alone in workDir
will delete the working directory.
prints messages which show the progress of the jobs.
applies FUN
to each element of the list X
by parsing the list into njobs
lists of equal (or almost equal) size and then applies FUN
to each sublist using lapply
A separate batch instance of R is launched for each sublist, thus utilizing another core of the machine. After the jobs complete, the njobs
output lists are reassembled. The global environments for each batch instance of R are created by writing/reading data to/from disc.
If collate = TRUE
or random.seed = Integer value
, the output list returned by plapply
is reordered to reflect the original ordering of the input list, X
An object called
(consisting of an integer indicating the process number) is available in the global environment of each instance of R.
Each instance of R runs a script that performs the following steps:
argument are loaded via calls to library()
global variable is assigned to the global environment of the R instance (having been passed in via a command line argument)
is evaluated if an object of that name is present in the global environment. The object pre.process.expression
may be passed in via the header file or via needed.objects
is called on the sublist, the sublist is called X.i
is evaluated if an object of that name is present in the global environment. The object post.process.expression
may be passed in via the header file or via needed.objects
is assigned to the object X.i.out
, and is saved to a temporary file where it will be collected after all jobs have completed
If njobs = 1
, none of the previous steps are executed, only this call is made: lapply(X, FUN, …)
A list equivalent to that returned by lapply(X, FUN, …)
# Create a simple list
a <- list(a = rnorm(10), b = rnorm(20), c = rnorm(15), d = rnorm(13),
e = rnorm(15), f = rnorm(22))
# Some objects that will be needed by f1:
b1 <- rexp(20)
b2 <- rpois(10, 20)
# The function
f1 <- function(x) mean(x) + max(b1) - min(b2)
# Call plapply
res1 <- plapply(a, f1, njobs = 2, needed.objects = c("b1", "b2"),
check.interval.sec = 0.5, max.hours = 1/120,
workDir = "example1", rout = "example1.Rout",
clean.up = FALSE)
# Look at the collated 'Rout' file
# Look at the contents of the working directory
# Remove working directory and Rout file
unlink("example1", recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# Verify the result with lapply
res2 <- lapply(a, f1)
# Compare results
identical(res1, res2)
, dfplapply
, parLapply
, mclapply
Landon Sego
Applies a function to each row of a data frame in a parallelized fashion (by submitting multiple batch R jobs). It is a convenient wrapper for plapply
, modified especially for parallel, single-row processing of data frames.
output.df = FALSE,
njobs = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
packages = NULL,
header.file = NULL,
needed.objects = NULL,
needed.objects.env = parent.frame(),
workDir = "plapply",
clobber = TRUE,
max.hours = 24,
check.interval.sec = 1,
collate = FALSE,
random.seed = NULL,
rout = NULL,
clean.up = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
. The value returned by FUN
can be any object
should be a data frame. If output.df = TRUE
, then the value returned by FUN
should be a data frame. If output.df = FALSE
, a list is returned by dfplapply
in order to create an environment that will satisfy all potential dependencies for FUN
, no file is sourced.
that may be needed by FUN
which are loaded into the global environment of each new instance of R that is launched. If NULL
, no additional objects are passed.
reside. This defaults to the environment in which plapply
is called.
will be overwritten if it exists and contains files. If clobber = FALSE
, and workDir
contains files, plapply
throws an error.
to complete.
have completed.
creates a first-in-first-out processing order of the elements of the input list X
. This logical is passed to the collate
argument of parseJob
random.seed = NULL
, no randomization is performed and the elements of the input list are subdivided sequentially among the jobs. This variable is passed to the random.seed
argument of parseJob
. If collate = TRUE
, no randomization is performed and random.seed
is ignored.
files will be gathered. If rout = NULL
, the .Rout
files are not gathered, but left alone in workDir
will delete the working directory.
prints messages which show the progress of the jobs.
A list or data frame containing the results of processing each row of X
with FUN
X <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = letters[1:3])
# Function that will operate on each of x, producing a simple list
test.1 <- function(x) {
list(ab = paste(x$a, x$b, sep = "-"), a2 = x$a^2, bnew = paste(x$b, "new", sep = "."))
# Data frame output
dfplapply(X, test.1, output.df = TRUE, njobs = 2)
# List output
dfplapply(X, test.1, njobs = 2)
# Function with 2 rows of output
test.2 <- function(x) {
data.frame(ab = rep(paste(x$a, x$b, sep = "-"), 2), a2 = rep(x$a^2, 2))
dfplapply(X, test.2, output.df = TRUE, njobs = 2, verbose = TRUE)
# Passing in other objects needed by FUN
a.out <- 10
test.3 <- function(x) {
data.frame(a = x$a + a.out, b = paste(x$b, a.out, sep="-"))
dfplapply(X, test.3, output.df = TRUE, needed.objects = "a.out", njobs = 2)
Landon Sego
Parallel implementation of plyr::ddply
that suppresses a spurious warning when plyr::ddply
is called in parallel. All of the arguments except njobs
are passed directly to arguments of the same name in plyr::ddply
.fun = NULL,
njobs = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
.progress = "none",
.inform = FALSE,
.drop = TRUE,
.paropts = NULL
that will define how to split the data
function when parallel computation is enabled. This is important if (for example) your code relies on external data or packages. Use the .export
and .packages
arguments to supply them so that all cluster nodes have the correct environment set up for computing.
An innocuous warning is thrown when plyr::ddply
is called in parallel. This function catches and hides that warning, which looks like this:
Warning messages: 1:
If njobs = 1
, a call to plyr::ddply
is made without parallelization, and anything supplied to .paropts
is ignored. See the documentation for plyr::ddply
for additional details.
The object data frame returned by plyr::ddply
data(baseball, package = "plyr")
# Summarize the number of entries for each year in the baseball dataset with 2 jobs
o1 <- pddply(baseball, ~ year, nrow, njobs = 2)
# Verify it's the same as the non-parallel version of plyr::ddply()
o2 <- plyr::ddply(baseball, ~ year, nrow)
identical(o1, o2)
# Another possibility
o3 <- pddply(baseball, "lg", c("nrow", "ncol"), njobs = 2)
o4 <- plyr::ddply(baseball, "lg", c("nrow", "ncol"))
identical(o3, o4)
# A nonsense example where we need to pass objects and packages into the cluster
number1 <- 7
f <- function(x, number2 = 10) {
paste(x$id[1], padZero(number1, num = 2), number2, sep = "-")
# In parallel
o5 <- pddply(baseball[1:100,], "year", f, number2 = 13, njobs = 2,
.paropts = list(.packages = "Smisc", .export = "number1"))
# Non parallel
o6 <- plyr::ddply(baseball[1:100,], "year", f, number2 = 13)
identical(o5, o6)
Call a function with a vectorized input in parallel, where the function is computationally intensive.
njobs = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
random.seed = NULL
is randomized to better distribute the work among the jobs if some values of x
take longer to evaluate than others. The original ordering is restored before fun(x, …)
is returned. If NULL
, no randomization is performed.
This function is a parallelized wrapper for
designed for the case where fun
is computationally intensive. Each element of x
is evaluated independently of the other elements of x
. Thus, fun(c(x1,x2))
must be equivalent to c(fun(x1), fun(x2))
in order for doCallParallel
to work properly.
The same result that would be had by calling fun(x, …)
, except calculated in parallel
# Get a vector of x's
x <- rnorm(18, mean = 2, sd = 2)
# 2 cores
y1 <- doCallParallel("pnorm", x, mean = 2, sd = 2, njobs = 2)
# 2 cores and randomization
y2 <- doCallParallel(pnorm, x, mean = 2, sd = 2, njobs = 2, random.seed = 1)
# Without using doCallParallel()
y3 <- pnorm(x, mean = 2, sd = 2)
# Comparisons
identical(y1, y2)
identical(y1, y3)
Landon Sego
Parses a collection of elements into (almost) equal-sized groups. Useful for splitting up an R job that operates over a large dataframe or list into multiple jobs.
parseJob(n, njobs, collate = FALSE, random.seed = NULL, = FALSE)
alternative ordering of the grouping. See example below.
, no randomization is performed. Randomization cannot be performed if collate = TRUE
or if = TRUE
. Randomization is useful when the computing time for each element varies significantly because it helps to even out the run times of parallel jobs.
, a text expression is returned, that when evaluated, will produce the sequence of elements for that group. This is especially useful when n
is very large. (See Value
section below).
When = FALSE
, a list with njobs
elements is returned, each element containing a numeric vector of the element numbers which correspond to that group. When = TRUE
, a list with njobs
elements is returned, each element containing text (lets call it val
), that when evaluated using eval(parse(text = val))
, will produce the sequence of numbers corresponding to the group.
x <- parseJob(29, 6)
# To see the range of each group
lapply(x, range)
# To see the length of each group
# Randomize the outcome
parseJob(32, 5, random.seed = 231)
# Example of ' = TRUE'
out <- parseJob(11, 3, = TRUE)
lapply(out, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
# Example of 'collate = TRUE' and ' = TRUE'
parseJob(11, 3, collate = TRUE)
parseJob(11, 3, collate = TRUE, = TRUE)
Landon Sego
Based on the filename extension, will open plotting device using one of the following graphics functions: postscript
, pdf
, jpeg
, tiff
, png
, or bmp
openDevice(fileName, ...)
, pdf
, jpg
, jpeg
, tif
, png
, or bmp
The graphics device is opened and the filename is invisibly returned.
# Open 3 example devices
openDevice("ex1.pdf", height=6, width=12)
plot(1:10, 1:10)
plot(1:10, 1:10)
plot(1:10, 1:10)
# List the devices and their filenames
dir(pattern = "ex1")
# Turn each of the 3 devices off
for (i in 1:3) {[length(dev.list())])
# Delete the created files
# List the current devices
Landon Sego
A convenient wrapper function for plotting one or more functions on a single plot. If the function(s) is/are expensive to calculate, function values can be calculated in parallel.
col = rainbow(length(fun)),
lty = 1:length(fun),
type = "l",
legendLabels = NULL,
relX = 0.7,
relY = 0.9,
nPoints = 1000,
njobs = 1,
in the graphics package.
. See par
for more info about the col
graphics parameter.
. See par
for more info about the lty
graphics parameter.
argument of plot.default
, no legend is drawn. This character vector is passed to the legend
argument in legend
from the graphics package.
, lines
, and legend
. If an argument name specified in …
matches an argument name in any of these three functions, the argument is passed to that function. For example, the line width, lwd
, would be passed to all three (plot.default
, lines
, and legend
The plot of the function(s)
# A single function with a single argument
f <- function(x) x^2
plotFun(f, c(-2, 3), col = "Black", lty = 2, las = 1)
# A handful of beta density functions, note how they take a single argument
fList <- list(function(x) dbeta(x, 10, 10),
function(y) dbeta(y, 3, 3),
function(z) dbeta(z, 0.5, 0.50))
# Plot them all on the same plot
plotFun(fList, c(0.0001, 0.9999), ylim = c(0, 3.5),
col = c("Red", "Black", "Blue"), lty = rep(1, 3),
xlab = "x", ylab = expression(f(x)),
legendLabels = c("a = 10, b = 10", "a = 3, b = 3", "a = 0.5, b = 0.5"),
relX = 0.6, relY = 1, lwd = 3, main = "Gamma Densities")
Landon Sego
Produces a time axis on a plot with interval spacing units that are intuitive. It is intended to be applied to periods of time that do not exceed 24 hours (i.e. it does not produce a date stamp in the time axis).
nticks = 15,
side = 1,
time.format = c("hh:mm", "hh:mm:sspm", "hh:mm:ss pm", "hh:mm:ss", "hh:mmpm",
"hh:mm pm")
argument in axis
attempts to choose a “natural” spacing for the time axis ticks that results in the number of ticks being as close as possible to nticks
. Possibilities for natural spacings include 1, 5, 10, 15 seconds, etc., or 1, 2, 5, 10, minutes etc., or 0.5, 1, 1.5 hours, etc.
Places the axis on the plot.
# Get data and set the options to the horizontal axis labels will be
# oriented vertically
op <- par(las = 2, mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 0.5))
# Make the default plot
plot(timeData, xlab = "", main = "Default intervals")
# Make the plot with specialized time axis
plot(timeData, axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE, xlab = "", main = "10 minute intervals")
# Add y-axis
# Add the time axis
smartTimeAxis(timeData$time, nticks = 10)
# Only look at a small portion of the data with a different time format
par(mar = c(7, 4, 2, 0.5))
plot(timeData[200:237,], type = "b", axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE,
xlab = "", main = "15 second intervals")
smartTimeAxis(timeData[200:237,"time"], nticks = 20, time.format = "hh:mm:ss pm")
# Restore the original par settings
Landon Sego
center = NULL,
barLength = NULL,
min.y = NULL,
max.y = NULL,
blankMiddle = NULL,
, in which case a solid error bar is drawn. Can also be a vector or a single value.
Buyer beware! Its up to the user to determine what the statistically correct length of the error bar should be.
Either center
and barLength
must be specified, or min.y
and max.y
must be specifed.
Note that width
, center
, barLength
, min.y
, max.y
, and blankMiddle
should be NULL
, numeric values of length 1, or numeric values with the same length as x
. If they have the same length of x
, the bars can have different vertical lengths, widths, and blankMiddle
values if desired.
Nothing is returned, the error bar(s) is/are drawn on the plot
# Make a plot of some standard normal observations
x <- 1:9
y <- rnorm(9)
plot(x, y, pch = as.character(1:9), ylim = c(-2, 2) + range(y),
ylab = "Z", xlab = "Indexes")
# Draw the error bars
vertErrorBar(x, 0.3, center = y, barLength = 2 * 1.96, blankMiddle = 0.25)
Landon Sego
The mass and distribution functions of the sum of k independent binomial random variables, with possibly different probabilities.
dkbinom(x, size, prob, log = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
method = c("butler", "fft"))
pkbinom(q, size, prob, log.p = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
method = c("butler", "naive", "fft"))
produces output that shows the iterations of the convolutions and 3 arrays, A, B, and C that are used to convolve and reconvolve the distributions. Array C is the final result. See the source code in dkbinom.c
for more details.
is the preferred (and default) method, which uses the algorithm given by Butler, et al. The naive
method is an alternative approach that can be much slower that can handle no more the sum of five binomials, but is useful for validating the other methods. The naive
method only works for a single value of q
. The fft
method uses the fast Fourier transform to compute the convolution of k binomial random variates, and is also useful for checking the other methods.
and prob[1]
are the size and probability of the first binomial variate, size[2]
and prob[2]
are the size and probability of the second binomial variate, etc.
If the elements of prob
are all the same, then pbinom
or dbinom
is used. Otherwise, repeating convolutions of the k binomials are used to calculate the mass or the distribution functions.
gives the mass function, pkbinom
gives the distribution function.
When log.p
or log
, these functions do not have the same precision as dbinom
or pbinom
when the probabilities are very small, i.e, the values tend to go to -Inf
more quickly.
The Butler method utilizes the exact algorithm discussed by: Butler, Ken and Stephens, Michael. (1993) The Distribution of a Sum of Binomial Random Variables. Technical Report No. 467, Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
# A sum of 3 binomials...
dkbinom(c(0, 4, 7), c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8))
dkbinom(c(0, 4, 7), c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8), method = "b")
pkbinom(c(0, 4, 7), c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8))
pkbinom(c(0, 4, 7), c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8), method = "b")
# Compare the output of the 3 methods
pkbinom(4, c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8), method = "fft")
pkbinom(4, c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8), method = "butler")
pkbinom(4, c(3, 4, 2), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8), method = "naive")
# Some inputs
n <- c(30000, 40000, 20000)
p <- c(0.02, 0.01, 0.005)
# Compare timings
x1 <- timeIt(pkbinom(1100, n, p, method = "butler"))
x2 <- timeIt(pkbinom(1100, n, p, method = "naive"))
x3 <- timeIt(pkbinom(1100, n, p, method = "fft"))
pvar(x1, x1 - x2, x2 - x3, x1 - x3, digits = 12)
Landon Sego and Alex Venzin
Uses the incomplete beta function to calculate a continuous version of the binomial cumulative distribution function.
pcbinom(x, n, p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
[0, Inf)
, of the number of trials.
, of the probability of success.
, the probabilities are P[X <= x]
, otherwise, P[X > x]
, probabilities p
are returned as log(p)
is equivalent to pbinom
for integer values of n
and x
Note that pcbinom
does not recycle vectors in the usual fashion. Each of the arguments x
, n
, and p
should have the same length, or, one or more of them can have the same length, so long as the other arguments have length 1. See examples below.
Returns a continuous version of the binomial distribution function.
This function was based on binom.c
in the R source code.
x <- c( 2, 3, 5, 5.2, 5)
n <- c( 4, 5, 7, 7, 7.2)
p <- c(0.2, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7)
pcbinom(x, n, p)
pbinom(x, n, p)
# These will work
pcbinom(c(7.3, 7.8), 12, 0.7)
pcbinom(c(7.3, 7.8), c(12,13), 0.7)
pcbinom(12.1, c(14.2,14.3), 0.6)
# But these won't
try(pcbinom(c(7.3, 7.8), c(12, 14, 16), 0.7))
try(pcbinom(c(7.3, 7.8), c(12, 14, 16), c(0.7, 0.8)))
Landon Sego
hpd(pdf, support, prob = 0.95, cdf = NULL, njobs = 1, checkUnimodal = 0)
## S3 method for class 'hpd'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hpd'
plot(x, ...)
, the pdf is integrated as needed to calculate probabilities as needed. However, providing the cdf
will speed up calculations.
. This is helpful if pdf
is expensive.
for which pdf
is evaluated to determine whether the function appears unimodal. This is done in parallel if njobs > 1
. If checkUnimodal
is not 0, it should be a large number (like 1000 or more).
, returned by hpd
method, these are additional arguments that may be passed to plotFun
, plot.default
, or abline
Parallel processing (via njobs > 1
) may be advantageous if 1) pdf
is a function that is computationally expensive, 2) the cdf
is not provided, in which case pdf
is integrated, and/or 3) when checkUnimodal
is large.
A list of class hpd
that contains the following elements:
: Prints the lower and upper limits of the credible interval, along with the achieved probabilty of that interval.
: Plots the density, overlaying the lower and upper limits of the credible interval
# A credible interval using the standard normal
int <- hpd(dnorm, c(-5,5), prob = 0.90, njobs = 2)
# A credible interval with the gamma density
int <- hpd(function(x) dgamma(x, shape = 2, rate = 0.5), c(0, 20),
cdf = function(x) pgamma(x, shape = 2, rate = 0.5), prob = 0.8)
# A credible interval using the Beta density
dens <- function(x) dbeta(x, 7, 12)
dist <- function(x) pbeta(x, 7, 12)
int <- hpd(dens, c(0, 1), cdf = dist)
Landon Sego
Computes uniformly minimum variance unbiased (UMVU) estimates of the mean, the standard error of the mean, and the standard deviation of lognormally distributed data.
umvueLN(x, tol = 1e-15, verbose = FALSE)
Calculates equations 13.3, 13.5, and 13.6 of Gilbert (1987).
Returns a named vector with the following components muThe UMVUE of the mean se.muThe UMVUE standard error of the mean sigmaThe UMVUE of the standard deviation
Gilbert, Richard O. (1987) Statistical Methods for Environmental Pollution Monitoring, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, pp 164-167.
# Test from Gilbert 1987, Example 13.1, p 166
x <- c(3.161, 4.151, 3.756, 2.202, 1.535, 20.76, 8.42, 7.81, 2.72, 4.43)
y <- umvueLN(x)
print(y, digits = 8)
# Compare to results from PRO-UCL 4.00.02:
# MVU Estimate of Mean 5.6544289
# MVU Estimate of Standard Error of Mean 1.3944504
# MVU Estimate of SD 4.4486438
# Compare these to Gilbert's printed results (which have rounding error)
Gilbert <- c(5.66, sqrt(1.97), sqrt(19.8))
print(round(abs(y - Gilbert), 2))
Landon Sego
Can be used to convert date-time character vectors into other types of date-time formats. It is designed to automatically find the appropriate date and time informats without the user having to specify them.
date.outformat = NULL,
time.outformat = NULL,
posix = TRUE,
weekday = FALSE
date.outformat = NULL
, then “mm/dd/yyyy” is used.
time.outformat = NULL
, then “hh:mm:ss pm” is used.
returns date and datetime vectors of class POSIXct that can be used for time calculations.
returns a character vector denoting the day of the week.
If the input vector contains times, formatDT
assumes that the dates and times are separated by at least one space. The date format and the time format of the input vector must be the same for all cells in the vector. The input format is determined by the first non-missing entry of the dt
vector. Missing values (NA
or ""
) are carried through to the output vectors without error.
In chosing the informat, formatDT
first checks if the datetime string has a format of “dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss pm”. If so, it moves directly to the datetime conversions. Otherwise, it searches through the date and time informats listed below for a suitable match.
Acceptable date informats for dt
: mm/dd/yyyy
, mm-dd-yyyy
, yyyy-mm-dd
, yyyymmdd
, ddmonyyyy
, dd-mon-yyyy
Acceptable time informats for dt
: hh:mm:sspm
, hh:mm:ss pm
, hh:mm:ss
(24 hour time), hh:mmpm
, hh:mm pm
, hh:mm
(24 hour time), hhmm
(24 hour time), hhmmss
(24 hour time)
A list with these components: dateA character vector of the form requested by date.outformat
. timeA character vector of the form requested by time.outformat
or an empty character vector of the form "" if the time is not present in the input vector dt
. dtA character vector containing the combined datetime using the requested formats. If time is not present in the input vector dt
, then simply the date is returned. date.posixA vector of class “POSIXt POSIXct” containing the date. This is only returned if posix = TRUE
. dt.posixA vector of class “POSIXt POSIXct” containing the datetime. This is only returned if posix = TRUE
and time values are present in the argument dt
. weekdayA character vector indicating the days of the week. This is only returned if weekday = TRUE
# Demonstrates conversion of different datetime informats
formatDT("03/12/2004 04:31:17pm", posix = FALSE)
formatDT("12Mar2004 04:31pm", posix = FALSE)
formatDT("2004-3-12 16:31:17", posix = FALSE)
formatDT("7-5-1998 22:13")
# Specifying different types of outformats
formatDT("03/12/2004", date.outformat = "dd-mon-yyyy", posix = FALSE)
formatDT("17-Sep-1782 12:31am", date.outformat = "yyyy-mm-dd",
time.outformat = "hh:mm", posix = FALSE)
# Processing datetime vectors
formatDT(c("03/12/2004 04:31pm","03/12/2005 04:32:18pm"), posix = FALSE)
formatDT(c("03/12/2004 04:31:17pm","03/12/2005 04:32:18pm"))
formatDT(c("03/12/2004 04:31:17pm","03/12/2005 04:32:18pm"), weekday = TRUE)
# An incorrect date (will produce an error)
# An incorrect time will also produce an error
try(formatDT("28-Feb-2001 00:00:00 AM"))
formatDT("28-Feb-2001 12:00:00 AM")
# Illustrate the handling of missing values
formatDT(c(NA,"","2010-10-23 3:47PM"), weekday = TRUE)
Landon Sego
Calculate a moving dot product over a vector (typically a time series). It dynamically accounts for the incomplete windows which are caused by missing values and which occur at the beginning and end of the series. It does not propogate NAs.
smartFilter(y, weights, min.window = 1, start = 1, skip = 1, balance = TRUE)
requires that the first non-missing value in a window occur on or before the center point of the window, and that the last non-missing value occur on or after the center point of the window.
has very similar behavior to filter
, except it calculates at the edge of a series and it does not propogate NAs which may be imbedded within the series.
When the window contains missing values, either due to being at the edge of the series or due to NAs imbedded within the series, the weights corresponding to the non-missing data points are re-normalized and the dotproduct is calculated using the available data. If the number of non-missing data points in the window is less than min.window
, an NA
is produced for the corresponding index. Likewise, if balance = TRUE
, and the required conditions (described above in the argument description of balance
) are not met, an NA
is returned for the corresponding index.
Returns the moving dot product
# Define a simple vector
x <- 2^(0:8)
names(x) <- letters[1:9]
# Define weights for a simple moving average of 3 points
# (1 point in the past, the present point, and 1 point in the future)
wts <- rep(1, 3) / 3
# Note how they are the same, except at the edges of the series.
smartFilter(x, wts)
filter(x, wts)
# filter() and smartFilter() apply the weights in reverse order of each other,
# which makes a difference if the weights are not symmetric. Note how these
# two statements produce the same result (with the exception of the first and
# last elements)
filter(x, 1:3 / 6)
smartFilter(x, 3:1 / 6)
# Notice how filter() propogates missing values
y <- 3^(0:8)
y[5] <- NA
smartFilter(y, wts)
filter(y, wts)
# Compare starting on the second value and skip every other point
smartFilter(x, wts)
smartFilter(x, wts, start = 2, skip = 2)
# Demonstrate how the 'min.window' and 'balance' work
y <- round(rnorm(1:20),2)
names(y) <- letters[1:20]
y[7:9] <- NA
smartFilter(y, rep(1,5)/5, min.window = 2, balance = TRUE)
smartFilter(y, rep(1,5)/5, min.window = 2, balance = FALSE)
Landon Sego
Wrapper for smartFilter
that creates a set of symmetric weights for the 2-sided window based on the Gaussian kernel, exponential decay, linear decay, or simple uniform weights, and then calculates the moving average (dot product) using those weights.
y = NULL,
bw = 30,
type = c("gaussian", "exponential", "linear", "uniform"),
furthest.weight = 0.01,
center.weight = 1,
## S3 method for class 'movAvg2'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'movAvg2'
plot(x, ...)
, the moving averages are not calculated, but the weights are calculated and included in the attributes of the returned object.
2 * bw + 1
type = uniform
, these are additional arguments to smartFilter
. For the print
and plot
methods, the “…” are additional arguments passed to print.default
and plot.default
, respectively.
All the weights are normalized (so that they sum to 1) prior to calculating the moving average. The moving “average” is really the moving dot product of the normalized weights and the corresponding elements of y
Since it uses smartFilter
to calculate the moving average, the moving average for points near the edge of the series or in the neighborhood of missing values are calculated using as much of the window weights as possible.
An object class movAvg2
, which is a numeric vector containing the moving average (dot product) of the series, with attributes that describe the weights. If y = NULL
, numeric(0)
is returned.
: Prints the movAvg2
object by only showing the series of dot products and suppressing the attributes.
: Plots the unnormalized weights.
z <- movAvg2(rnorm(25), bw = 10, type = "e", center.weight = 2)
# Look at the attributes
# Plot the weights
# If we just want to see the weights (without supplying data)
plot(movAvg2(bw = 20, type = "g", center.weight = 1))
# Note how it produces the same values as filter (except at the edge
# of the series
x <- rnorm(10)
movAvg2(x, bw = 2, type = "u")
filter(x, rep(1, 5) / 5)
# These are also the same, except at the edge.
movAvg2(x, bw = 1, type = "l", furthest.weight = 0.5, center.weight = 1)
filter(x, c(0.5, 1, 0.5) / 2)
Landon Sego
Calculates a sequence of one-sided upper Cusum statistics given the reference value and the control limit.
cusum(X, k, h, initial = 0, reset = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'cusum'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cusum'
plot(x, indexes = NULL, emphOOC = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cusum'
signal(object, ...)
or plot.default
. Ignored by the signal
Cusum is assumed to be of the form: C[i] = max(0, C[i-1] + X[i] - k), where the signal occurs when C[i] > h. Note that X
can be the Cusum scores, or weights, given by the log-likelihood ratio, in which case k = 0
would make sense.
A object of class cusum
, which is a vector of the Cusum statistics, along with the following attributes: X
, k
, h
, initial
, and reset
(which correspond to the original arguments provided to the function) and resetCounter
, a vector of integers corresponding to cusum
that indicates when the Cusum resets.
: Prints the cusum
object by only showing the Cusum statistics and suppressing the attributes.
: Plots the cusum
: Prints the indexes in a cusum
object that exceed the control limit
Hawkins DM and Olwell DH. (1998) Cumulative Sum Charts and Charting for Quality Improvement. Springer.
y <- cusum(rnorm(50), 0.2, 2)
# Plot the cusum
# Show the indexes where the chart signaled
# A look at the attributes
Subtracts two time series by matching irregular time indexes. Can also be used to align the indexes of a time series to a set of standard time indexes.
timeDiff(v1, v2, n.ind = 1, full = FALSE)
returns a data frame that shows in detail how the two vectors were matched and the difference calculated
The format for the timestamps (in the vector names) can be virtually any reasonable format, which will be converted to POSIXct by formatDT
Suppose that v1
is shorter than v2
. For each index of the v1
, the n.ind
indices of v2
that are closest in time to the v1
index are identified and “matched” (by averaging them) to the v1
index. In the case of ties, for example, the nearest v2
indexes are both 5 seconds before and 5 seconds after the v1
index of interest, then the closest v2
index in the past (5 seconds before) is matched to the v1
Hence, the average of the n.ind
elements of v2
that best “match” (are closest in time to) the element of v1
are subtracted from v1
, which creates a series of differences with the same length (and timestamps) as v1
If instead, v2
is shorter than v1
, then the time stamps of v2
become the standard to which the times of v1
are matched.
If v1
and v2
are the same length, then the timestamps of v2
are matched to v1
and the resulting vector of differences has the same timestamps as v1
if full = FALSE
then the difference (after matching) of (v1 - v2)
is returned. Otherwise, a data frame is returned that shows how the vectors were matched and the resulting difference vector.
# Show the objects
# Extract the objects from the list for easier use in the example
# Print warnings as they occur
op <- options(warn = 1)
# Show various differences
timeDiff(x1, x2, full = TRUE)
timeDiff(x2.d, x1.d, full = TRUE)
timeDiff(x1, x1)
### If we need to average a time-series at 30 second invervals:
# Create the vector that will be averaged, with time stamps occuring
# about every 10 seconds
v1.names <- seq(formatDT("2009-09-12 3:20:31")$dt.posix,
formatDT("2009-09-12 3:29:15")$dt.posix, by = 10)
# Now jitter the times a bit and look at the time spacing
v1.names <- v1.names + round(rnorm(length(v1.names), sd = 1.5))
# Create the vector
v1 <- abs(rnorm(length(v1.names), mean = 7, sd = 3))
names(v1) <- v1.names
# Now create a standard vector with values of 0 with time stamps every 30 seconds
standard.names <- seq(formatDT("2009-09-12 3:21:30")$dt.posix,
formatDT("2009-09-12 3:28:30")$dt.posix, by = 30)
standard <- double(length(standard.names))
names(standard) <- standard.names
# Now average the v1 values by matching the 3 closest values to each standard time:
timeDiff(v1, standard, n.ind = 3, full = TRUE)
v1.avg <- timeDiff(v1, standard, n.ind = 3)
# Check that every 3 obs were averaged
v1.avg.check <- tapply(v1[6:50], rep(1:15, each = 3), mean)
max(abs(v1.avg.check - v1.avg))
Landon Sego
Integrate a series over time by calculating the area under the “curve” of the linear interpolation of the series (akin to the Trapezoid rule). This is especially useful in calculating energy usage: kilowatt-hours, watt-seconds, etc.
time = names(data),
lower = time[1],
upper = time[length(time)],
check.plot = FALSE,
units = c("hours", "minutes", "seconds")
. These can either character or POSIXct.
makes a plot which illustrates the integration.
If upper
or lower
does not correspond to a data point, a linear interpolation is made between the two neighboring time points to predict the resulting data value.
The approximation of the integral by joining the points in the series in a linear fashion and calculating the area under this “curve”.
# Some example power data
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
# Calculate the kilowatt-minutes, display graph which shows how the
# integration is done. This example calculates the integral using
# a contiguous subset of the data
int1 <- timeIntegration(PowerData,
# Convert to POSIXct in order to subtract time
lower = "5/6/2008 17:00:09",
upper = "5/6/2008 17:01:36",
check.plot = TRUE, units = "m")
# This example calculates the integral for all the data in 'powerData'
int2 <- timeIntegration(PowerData, check.plot = TRUE, units = "m")
# Print the outcome
pvar(int1, int2)
Landon Sego
Produces a list representing all possible combinations of linear model predictors
comboList(n.pred, outFile = NULL, njobs = 1)
Uses combn
to identify the combinations.
A list of class combolist
is invisibly returned with the two components shown below. If outFile
is not NULL
, this same list is saved to outFile
: lenThe total number of combinations pListA list where each element contains an integer representation of one combination of the predictors
x <- comboList(4)
# A parallel job
y <- comboList(4, njobs = 2)
# Should be equal
identical(x, y)
Landon Sego
For each index in a vector, computes the maximum of the vector from the beginning of the vector up to the current index
In the sequence x[1], x[2], …, x[n], cumMax
returns the vector y such that for each i = 1,…,n, y[i] = max(x[j]; j = 1,…,i)
cumMax(c(1,3,4,5,3,2,5,1,7,8,8,6) + runif(12))
Landon Sego
If x
is integer, then integer addition is used. Otherwise, floating point (double) addition is used. Elements in x
that were NA
will continue to be NA
, but the NA
will not be propagated.
The vector of cumulative sums.
# Compare to cumsum()
x <- as.integer(c(5, 2, 7, 9, 0, -1))
# Now with missing values
x[c(2,4)] <- NA
Landon Sego
findDepMat(X, rows = TRUE, tol = 1e-10)
rows = TRUE
to identify which rows are linearly dependent. Set rows = FALSE
to identify columns that are linearly dependent.
A row (or column) is considered to be a linear combination of another if the maximum of the absolute succesive differences of the ratios of the two rows (columns) exceeds the tolerance, tol
. This is a fairly crude criterion and may need improvement–but it at least will identify the almost-exact linear dependencies.
identifies linearly dependent rows (columns) similar to the way duplicated
identifies duplicates. As such, the first instance (row or column) of a set of linearly dependent rows (or columns) is not flagged as being dependent.
The sum of the negated output of findDepMat
should be the number of linearly independent rows (columns). This quanity is compared to the rank produced by qr
, and if not equal, a warning is issued. The value of tol
is passed to qr
, but the criteria of convergence for qr
is assuredly different from that used here to identify the linearly dependent rows (columns).
Currently this uses nested for loops within R (not C). Consequently, findDepMat
is likely to be slow for large matrices.
A logical vector, equal in length to the number of rows (columns) of X
, with TRUE
indicating that the row (column) is linearly dependent on a previous row (column).
# A matrix
Y <- matrix(c(1, 3, 4,
2, 6, 8,
7, 2, 9,
4, 1, 7,
3.5, 1, 4.5), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
# Note how row 2 is multiple of row 1, row 5 is a multiple of row 3
findDepMat(t(Y), rows = FALSE)
Landon Sego
Estimates the integral of a real-valued function using Simpson’s or the Trapezoid approximation
integ(y, x = NULL, a = NULL, b = NULL, method = c("simpson", "trapezoid"))
should have a corresponding element in y
. Only required for the trapezoid method. Not required for the Simpson method.
For the Simpson method, y
is a numeric vector of f(x), evaluated at an odd number of evenly spaced xs in the interval [a,b].
For the trapezoid method, the elements of x
and y
should correspond to one another, and x
must be sorted in ascending order. The lengths or x
and y
should be the same, and they may be odd or even. The elements of x
may be irregularly spaced.
A single numeric estimate of the integral of f(x) over [a, b] (Simpson) or over the range of x
Ellis R, Gulick D. “Calculus: One and Several Variables,” Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers: New York, 1991; 479-482.
# The Beta density from 0 to 0.7
integ(dbeta(seq(0, 0.7, length = 401), 2, 5), a = 0, b = 0.7)
# Checking result with the cdf
pbeta(0.7, 2, 5)
# f(x) = x^2 from 0 to 3
integ(seq(0, 3, length = 21)^2, a = 0, b = 3)
# A quadratic function with both methods
x <- seq(0, 3, length = 51)
integ(x^2, x = x, method = "t")
integ(x^2, a = 0, b = 3, method = "s")
# Now a linear function
x <- seq(0, 2, length = 3)
y <- 2 * x + 3
integ(y, x = x, method = "t")
integ(y, a = 0, b = 2)
Landon Sego
Linear mapping of a numeric vector or scalar from one closed interval to another
linearMap(x, D = range(x), R = c(0, 1))
must be less than R[2]
is mapped to D[1]
, and R[2]
is mapped to D[2]
The mapping is f : D –> R
, where f(D[1]) = R[1]
and f(D[2]) = R[2]
The linear mapping of x
from D
to R
x <- seq(0, 1, length = 5)
# An increasing linear map
linearMap(x, R = c(4, 7))
# A decreasing map
linearMap(x, R = c(7, 4))
# A shift
linearMap(x, R = c(-1, 0))
# The identity map:
y <- linearMap(x, D = c(0, 1), R = c(0, 1))
identical(y, x)
Landon Sego
A small, altered, subset of total rack power for one of the racks in a data center. Used for illustration of timeIntegration
The format is: Named num [1:12] 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.16 5.16 … - attr(*, “names”)= chr [1:12] “2008-05-06 17:00:01” “2008-05-06 17:00:17” “2008-05-06 17:00:21” “2008-05-06 17:00:32” …
rm(PowerData, envir=.GlobalEnv)
Generic data frame with a time variable to support the example in smartTimeAxis
A data frame with 414 observations on the following 2 variables.
Four short times series, stored in a list, for use in the timeDiff