Source code for neuromancer.modules.functions

Set of useful function transformations


import torch

[docs] def bounds_scaling(x, xmin, xmax, scaling=1.): """ hard bounds on variable x via sigmoid scaling between xmin and xmax values :param x: :param xmin: :param xmax: :param scaling: :return: """ x = (xmax - xmin) * torch.sigmoid(scaling * x) + xmin return x
[docs] def bounds_clamp(x, xmin=None, xmax=None): """ hard bounds on variable x via ReLU clamping between xmin and xmax values :param x: :param xmin: :param xmax: :return: """ if xmin is not None: x = x + torch.relu(-x + xmin) if xmax is not None: x = x - torch.relu(x - xmax) return x
functions = { "bounds_scaling": bounds_scaling, "bounds_clamp": bounds_clamp, } if __name__ == "__main__": """ examples for using bounds wrapped by Node class """ from neuromancer.system import Node # wrapp bounds in Node class node_scale = Node(bounds_scaling, ['x', 'xmin', 'xmax'], ['x_new'], name='bounds_scaling') node_clamp = Node(bounds_clamp, ['x', 'xmin', 'xmax'], ['x_new'], name='bounds_clamp') # generate input data data = {'x': torch.randn(500, 5), 'xmin': -torch.ones(500, 5), 'xmax': torch.ones(500, 5)} # evaluate functions out_scale = node_scale(data) out_clamp = node_clamp(data) # check bounds satisfaction print(torch.all(out_scale['x_new'] <= data['xmax'])) print(torch.all(out_scale['x_new'] >= data['xmin'])) print(torch.all(out_clamp['x_new'] <= data['xmax'])) print(torch.all(out_clamp['x_new'] >= data['xmin']))