Single-step integrators for first-order nonautomonomous ODEs
import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchdiffeq import odeint_adjoint as odeint
import torchdiffeq
import torchsde
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Integrator(nn.Module, ABC):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
Integration block.
:param block: (nn.Module or Callable) right hand side of the ODE system to be integrated
:param h: (float) integration step size
self.block = block # block gives dx at this time step.
self.in_features, self.out_features = block.in_features, block.out_features
self.h = h
if interp_u is not None:
warnings.warn('interp_u argument is deprecated, it has no effect, and will be removed in the next release.', FutureWarning)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
def forward(self, x, *args):
This function needs x only for autonomous systems. x is 2D.
It needs x and u for nonautonomous system w/ online interpolation. x and u are 2D tensors.
return self.integrate(x, *args)
def reg_error(self):
return sum([k.reg_error() for k in self.children() if hasattr(k, "reg_error")])
def rms_norm(tensor):
return tensor.pow(2).mean().sqrt()
def make_norm(state):
state_size = state.numel()
def norm(aug_state):
y = aug_state[1:1 + state_size]
adj_y = aug_state[1 + state_size:1 + 2 * state_size]
return max(rms_norm(y), rms_norm(adj_y))
return norm
class DiffEqIntegrator(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=0.001, method='euler'):
:param block:(nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param interp_u: Function for interpolating control input values - deprecated
:param h: (float) integration step size
:param method: (str) Can be dopri8, dopri5, bosh3, fehlberg2, adaptive_heun, euler,
midpoint, rk4, explicit_adams, implicit_adams, explicit_adams, implicit_adams, fixed_adams
super().__init__(block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
self.method = method
self.adjoint_params = torchdiffeq._impl.adjoint.find_parameters(self.block)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
t_0 = 0.0
timepoints = torch.tensor([t_0, t_0 + self.h])
rhs_fun = lambda t, x: self.block(x, *args)
solution = odeint(rhs_fun, x, timepoints, method=self.method,
x_t = solution[-1]
return x_t
class BasicSDEIntegrator(Integrator):
Integrator (from TorchSDE) for basic/explicit SDE case where drift (f) and diffusion (g) terms are defined
Returns a single tensor of size (t, batch_size, state_size).
Please see https://github.com/google-research/torchsde/blob/master/torchsde/_core/sdeint.py
Currently only supports Euler integration. Choice of integration method is dependent
on integral type (Ito/Stratanovich) and drift/diffusion terms
def __init__(self, block):
:param block: (nn.Module) The BasicSDE block
def integrate(self, x, t):
x is the initial datastate of size (batch_size, state_size)
t is the time-step vector over which to integrate
ys = torchsde.sdeint(self.block, x, t, method='euler')
return ys
class LatentSDEIntegrator(Integrator):
Integrator (from TorchSDE) for LatentSDE case. Please see https://github.com/google-research/torchsde/blob/master/examples/latent_sde_lorenz.py for more
information. Integration here takes place in the latent space produced by the first-stage (encoding process) of the LatentSDE_Encoder block
Note that torchsde.sdeint() is called, like in BasicSDEIntegrator, and thus the output of integrate() is a single tensor of size (t, batch_size, latent_size)
In this case we also set logqp to True such that log ratio penalty is also returned.
PLease see: https://github.com/google-research/torchsde/blob/master/torchsde/_core/sdeint.py
def __init__(self, block, dt=1e-2, method='euler', adjoint=False):
:param block:(nn.Module) The LatentSDE_Encoder block
:param dt: (float, optional): The constant step size or initial step size for
adaptive time-stepping.
:param method: method (str, optional): Numerical integration method to use. Must be
compatible with the SDE type (Ito/Stratonovich) and the noise type
(scalar/additive/diagonal/general). Defaults to a sensible choice
depending on the SDE type and noise type of the supplied SDE.
self.method = method
self.dt = dt
self.adjoint = adjoint
if self.adjoint:
assert self.block.adjoint == True, "LatentSDE_Encoder block must have adjoint=True if using adjoint method here"
def integrate(self, x):
if not self.adjoint:
z0, xs, ts, qz0_mean, qz0_logstd = self.block(x)
zs, log_ratio = torchsde.sdeint(self.block, z0, ts, dt=self.dt, logqp=True, method=self.method)
z0, xs, ts, qz0_mean, qz0_logstd, adjoint_params = self.block(x)
zs, log_ratio = torchsde.sdeint_adjoint(self.block, z0, ts, adjoint_params=adjoint_params, dt=self.dt, logqp=True, method=self.method)
return zs, z0, log_ratio, xs, qz0_mean, qz0_logstd
class Euler(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
h = self.h
k1 = self.block(*[x, *args]) # k1 = f(x_i, t_i)
return x + h*k1
class Euler_Trap(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
Forward Euler (explicit). Trapezoidal rule (implicit).
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
:param x: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, SysDim])
:return x_{t+1}: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, SysDim])
pred = x + self.h * self.block(x, *args)
corr = x + 0.5 * self.h * (self.block(x, *args) + self.block(pred, *args))
return corr
class RK2(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
h = self.h
k1 = self.block(x, *args) # k1 = f(x_i, t_i)
k2 = self.block(x + h*k1/2.0, *args) # k2 = f(x_i + 0.5*h*k1, t_i + 0.5*h)
return x + h*k2
class RK4(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
h = self.h
k1 = self.block(x, *args) # k1 = f(x_i, t_i)
k2 = self.block(x + h*k1/2.0, *args) # k2 = f(x_i + 0.5*h*k1, t_i + 0.5*h)
k3 = self.block(x + h*k2/2.0, *args) # k3 = f(x_i + 0.5*h*k2, t_i + 0.5*h)
k4 = self.block(x + h*k3, *args) # k4 = f(y_i + h*k3, t_i + h)
return x + h*(k1/6.0 + k2/3.0 + k3/3.0 + k4/6.0)
class RK4_Trap(Integrator):
predictor-corrector integrator for dx = f(x)
predictor: explicit RK4
corrector: implicit trapezoidal rule
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
k1 = self.block(x, *args) # k1 = f(x_i, t_i)
k2 = self.block(x + self.h*k1/2.0, *args) # k2 = f(x_i + 0.5*h*k1, t_i + 0.5*h)
k3 = self.block(x + self.h*k2/2.0, *args) # k3 = f(x_i + 0.5*h*k2, t_i + 0.5*h)
k4 = self.block(x + self.h*k3, *args) # k4 = f(y_i + h*k3, t_i + h)
pred = x + self.h*(k1/6.0 + k2/3.0 + k3/3.0 + k4/6.0)
corr = x + 0.5*self.h*(self.block(x, *args) + self.block(pred, *args) )
return corr
class Luther(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
q = 21**0.5 # constant
h = self.h
k1 = self.block(x, *args) # k1 = f(x_i, t_i)
k2 = self.block(x + h*k1, *args)
k3 = self.block(x + h*(3/8*k1 + 1/8*k2), *args)
k4 = self.block(x + h*(8/27*k1 + 2/27*k2 + 8/27*k3), *args)
k5 = self.block(x + h*((-21 + 9*q)/392*k1 +
(-56 + 8*q)/392*k2 + (336 - 48*q)/392*k3 +
(-63 + 3*q)/392*k4), *args)
k6 = self.block(x + h*((-1155 - 255*q)/1960*k1 +
(-280-40*q)/1960*k2 - 320*q/1960*k3 +
(63 + 363*q)/1960*k4 +
(2352 + 392*q)/1960*k5), *args)
k7 = self.block(x + h*((330 + 105*q)/180*k1 + 120/180*k2 +
(-200 + 280*q)/180*k3 + (126 - 189*q)/180*k4 +
(-686 - 126*q)/180*k5 + (490 - 70*q)/180*k6), *args)
return x + h*(1/20*k1 + 16/45*k3 + 49/180*k5 + 49/180*k6 + 1/20*k7)
class Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg(Integrator):
The Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method has two methods of orders 5 and 4. Therefore, we can calculate the local truncation error to
determine if current time step size is suitable or not.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods#Adaptive_Runge%E2%80%93Kutta_methods
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
self.local_error = []
def integrate(self, x, *args):
:param x: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, SysDim])
:return x_{t+1}: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, SysDim])
h = self.h
k1 = self.block(x, *args)
k2 = self.block(x + h*k1/4, *args)
k3 = self.block(x + 3 * h * k1 / 32 + 9 * h * k2 / 32, *args)
k4 = self.block(x + h * k1 * 1932 / 2197 - 7200 / 2197 * h * k2 + 7296 / 2197 * h * k3, *args)
k5 = self.block(x + h * k1 * 439 / 216 - 8 * h * k2 + 3680 / 513 * h * k3 - 845 / 4104 * h * k4, *args)
k6 = self.block(x - 8 / 27 * h * k1 + 2 * h * k2 - 3544 / 2565 * h * k3 +
1859 / 4104 * h * k4 - 11 / 40 * h * k5, *args)
x_t1_high = x + h * (
k1 * 16 / 135 + k3 * 6656 / 12825 + k4 * 28561 / 56430 - 9 / 50 * k5 + k6 * 2 / 55) # high order
x_t1_low = x + h * (k1 * 25 / 216 + k3 * 1408 / 2565 + k4 * 2197 / 4104 - 1 / 5 * k5) # low order
self.local_error.append(x_t1_high - x_t1_low)
return x_t1_high
class MultiStep_PredictorCorrector(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, x, *args):
:param x: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, nsteps, SysDim]) where
x[0:1, :, :] = x_{t-3},
x[1:2, :, :] = x_{t-2},
x[2:3, :, :] = x_{t-1},
x[3:4, :, :] = x_{t}
:return x_{t+1}: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, SysDim])
assert x.shape[1] == 4, "This four-step method requires x.shape[1] = 4."
x0 = x[:, 0, :]
x1 = x[:, 1, :]
x2 = x[:, 2, :]
x3 = x[:, 3, :] # current state
# Predictor: linear multistep Adams–Bashforth method (explicit)
x4_pred = x3 + self.h*(55/24*self.block(x3, *args) -
59/24*self.block(x2, *args) +
37/24*self.block(x1, *args) -
9/24*self.block(x0, *args))
# Corrector: linear multistep Adams–Moulton method (implicit)
x4_corr = x3 + self.h*(251/720*self.block(x4_pred, *args) +
646/720*self.block(x3, *args) -
264/720*self.block(x2, *args) +
106/720*self.block(x1, *args) -
19/720*self.block(x0, *args))
return x4_corr # (overlapse moving windows #, state dim) -> 2D tensor
class LeapFrog(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
Leapfrog integration for ddx = f(x)
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, X, *args):
:param X: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, 2*SysDim]) where X[:, :SysDim] = x_t and X[:, SysDim:] = \dot{x}_t
:return X_{t+1}: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, 2*SysDim]) where X_{t+1}[:, :SysDim] = x_{t+1} and X_{t+1}[:, SysDim:] = \dot{x}_{t+1}
SysDim = X.shape[-1]//2
x = X[:, :SysDim] # x at t = i*h
dx = X[:, SysDim:2*SysDim] # dx at t = i*h
x_1 = x + dx*self.h + 0.5*self.block(x, *args)*self.h**2 # x at t = (i + 1)*h
ddx_1 = self.block(x_1, *args) # ddx at t = (i + 1)*h.
dx_1 = dx + 0.5*(self.block(x, *args) + ddx_1)*self.h # dx at t = (i + 1)*h
return torch.cat([x_1, dx_1], dim=-1)
class Yoshida4(Integrator):
def __init__(self, block, interp_u=None, h=1.0):
4th order Yoshida integrator for ddx = f(x). One step under the 4th order Yoshida integrator requires four intermediary steps.
:param block: (nn.Module) A state transition model.
:param h: (float) integration step size
super().__init__(block=block, interp_u=interp_u, h=h)
def integrate(self, X, *args):
:param X: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, 2*SysDim]) where X[:, :SysDim] = x_t and X[:, SysDim:] = \dot{x}_t
:return X_{t+1}: (torch.Tensor, shape=[batchsize, 2*SysDim]) where X_{t+1}[:, :SysDim] = x_{t+1} and X_{t+1}[:, SysDim:] = \dot{x}_{t+1}
SysDim = X.shape[-1]//2
x = X[:, :SysDim] # x at t = i*h
dx = X[:, SysDim:2*SysDim] # dx at t = i*h
# constants
w0 = -2**(1/3)/(2 - 2**(1/3))
w1 = 1/(2 - 2**(1/3))
c1 = w1/2
c4 = c1
c2 = (w0 + w1)/2
c3 = c2
d1 = w1
d3 = d1
d2 = w0
# intermediate step 1
x_1 = x + c1*dx*self.h
dx_1 = dx + d1*self.block(x_1, *args)*self.h
# intermediate step 2
x_2 = x_1 + c2*dx_1*self.h
dx_2 = dx_1 + d2*self.block(x_2, *args)*self.h
# intermediate step 3
x_3 = x_2 + c3*dx_2*self.h
dx_3 = dx_2 + d3*self.block(x_3, *args)*self.h
# intermediate step 4
x_4 = x_3 + c4*dx_3*self.h
dx_4 = dx_3
return torch.cat([x_4, dx_4], dim=-1)
integrators = {'Euler': Euler,
'Euler_Trap': Euler_Trap,
'RK2': RK2,
'RK4': RK4,
'RK4_Trap': RK4_Trap,
'Luther': Luther,
'Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg': Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg,
'DiffEqIntegrator': DiffEqIntegrator}
integrators_multistep = {'MultiStep_PredictorCorrector': MultiStep_PredictorCorrector}
integrators_second_order = {'LeapFrog': LeapFrog,
'Yoshida4': Yoshida4}