
Bugs 🐛

If you found a bug in interflow, please open an issue request in GitHub. Please be as descriptive as possible in your issue request.

Feature suggestions 💡

If you’d like to suggest a feature to be added to interflow, please open an issue request in GitHub. and describe your feature appropriately.

Contributing 💻

The following steps should be taken to contribute to interflow:

  1. Fork the interflow repository and clone it locally.

  2. Create a branch for any changes you are contributing and add your changes.

  3. Ensure that tests pass locally with the addition of your changes.

  4. Commit your changes.

  5. Push your changes to the remote.

  6. Create a pull request that documents your additions/changes.

Note: The interflow package should be installed in development mode before running tests. This will ensure that the package doesn’t have to be rebuilt before running tests.