

use graphs;
iter distanceEdgeBFS(graph, e: graph._value.eDescType, s = 1): (graph._value.eDescType, int)
config const configFile = "graph_examples/bipartite"

Configuration file (‘configFile’) must be of the following format...

The first line, the header, must contain the number of vertices, followed by a space, then the number of edges...

[1-9]+ [1-9]+

Followed by zero or more lines associating a vertex with an edge...

[0-9]+ [0-9]+

Example: 5 vertices, 5 edges...

4 4 0 1 1 0 2 2 3 4 4 3

var f = AppendExpr.Call08
var tmp: string
var arr = AppendExpr.Call08
var numVerts = arr(1): int
var numEdges = arr(2): int
var graph = new numVertsAdjListHyperGraphnumEdges
var maxEccentricity: int