Program Listing for File distributed_iterator_traits.h

Return to documentation for file (include/shad/distributed_iterator_traits.h)

//===------------------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                                     SHAD
//      The Scalable High-performance Algorithms and Data Structure Library
// Copyright 2018 Battelle Memorial Institute
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.


#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>

#include "shad/runtime/locality.h"

namespace shad {

template <typename Iterator>
struct distributed_iterator_traits : public std::iterator_traits<Iterator> {
  using difference_type =
      typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type;
  using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
  using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer;
  using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference;
  using iterator_category =
      typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category;

  using local_iterator_range = typename Iterator::local_iterator_range;
  using local_iterator_type = typename Iterator::local_iterator_type;

  static rt::localities_range localities(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
    return Iterator::localities(begin, end);

  static local_iterator_range local_range(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
    return Iterator::local_range(begin, end);

  static Iterator iterator_from_local(Iterator begin, Iterator end,
                                      local_iterator_type itr) {
    return Iterator::iterator_from_local(begin, end, itr);

template <typename T, typename = void>
struct is_distributed_iterator {
  static constexpr bool value = false;

template <typename T>
struct is_distributed_iterator<
    T, typename std::enable_if<
           !std::is_same<typename distributed_iterator_traits<T>::value_type,
                         void>::value>::type> {
  static constexpr bool value = true;

template <typename Iterator>
struct distributed_random_access_iterator_trait
    : public distributed_iterator_traits<Iterator> {
  using value_type = typename distributed_iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
  using pointer = typename distributed_iterator_traits<Iterator>::pointer;
  using reference = typename distributed_iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference;
  using iterator_category =
      typename distributed_iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category;
  using distribution_range = typename Iterator::distribution_range;

  static distribution_range distribution(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
    return Iterator::distribution(begin, end);

// support for partitioning of local ranges
template <typename Iterator>
struct local_iterator_traits : public std::iterator_traits<Iterator> {
  // split a range into n non-empty sub-ranges
  static std::vector<typename Iterator::partition_range> partitions(
      Iterator begin, Iterator end, size_t n) {
    return Iterator::partitions(begin, end, n);

// specialization for raw pointers (e.g., array, vector)
template <typename T>
class local_iterator_traits<T *> {
  class partition_range {
    T *begin() { return begin_; }
    T *end() { return end_; }

    partition_range(T *begin, T *end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}

    T *begin_;
    T *end_;

  // split a range into at most n sub-ranges
  static std::vector<partition_range> partitions(T *begin, T *end, size_t n) {
    auto range_len = std::distance(begin, end);
    auto n_parts = std::min(n, static_cast<size_t>(range_len));
    std::vector<partition_range> res;
    if (n_parts) {
      auto block_size = (range_len + n_parts - 1) / n_parts;
      for (size_t block_id = 0; block_id < n_parts; ++block_id) {
        auto block_begin = begin;
        std::advance(block_begin, block_id * block_size);
        auto block_end = block_begin;
        if (std::distance(block_begin, end) < block_size) {
          if (block_begin != end) {
            res.push_back(partition_range{block_begin, end});
        } else {
          std::advance(block_end, block_size);
          assert(block_begin != block_end);
          res.push_back(partition_range{block_begin, block_end});
      assert(res.back().end() == end);
    return res;

}  // namespace shad