Template Class Array¶
- Defined in File array.h
Inheritance Relationships¶
Base Type¶
public shad::AbstractDataStructure< Array< T > >
(Template Class AbstractDataStructure)
Class Documentation¶
template <typename T>
: public shad::AbstractDataStructure<Array<T>>¶ The Array data structure.
SHAD’s Array is a fixed size distributed container.
- Warning
- obects of type T need to be trivially copiable.
- Template Parameters
: type of the entries stored in the Array.
Public Types
= typename AbstractDataStructure::ObjectID¶
= impl::BuffersVector<std::tuple<size_t, T>, Array<T>>¶
= typename AbstractDataStructure<Array<T>>::SharedPtr¶
Public Functions
() const¶ Retrieve the Global Identifier.
- Return
- The global identifier associated with the array instance.
() const¶ Return the size of the shad::Array.
- Return
- The size of the shad::Array.
(const size_t pos, const T &value)¶ Synchronous insert method.
Inserts an element at the specified position synchronously.
Typical usage:
auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { arrayPtr->InsertAt(i, i+1); }
- Parameters
: The target position.value
: The value of the element to be inserted.
(const size_t pos, const T *values, const size_t numValues)¶ Synchronous bulk insert method.
Inserts multiple elements starting at the specified position.
Typical usage:
std::vector<size_t> values(10, 1); auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); arrayPtr->InsertAt(0, values.data(), values.size());
- Parameters
: The target position.values
: Pointer to the values to be inserted.numValues
: Number of values to be inserted.
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t pos, const T &value)¶ Asynchronous Insert method.
Asynchronously inserts an element at the specified position.
Typical usage:
shad::rt::Handle handle; auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { arrayPtr->AsyncInsertAt(handle, i, i+1); } // ... more work here and then finally wait. shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle);
- Warning
- Asynchronous operations are guaranteed to have completed only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle& handle) method.
- Parameters
: The handle to be used to wait for completion.pos
: The target position.value
: The value to be inserted.
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t pos, const T *values, const size_t numValues)¶ Asynchronous bulk insert method.
Asynchronously inserts multiple elements starting at the specified position.
Typical usage:
std::vector<size_t> values(10, 1); auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); shad::rt::Handle handle; arrayPtr->AsyncInsertAt(handle, 0, values.data(), values.size()); // ... more work here and then finally wait. shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle);;
- Parameters
: The handle to be used to wait for completion.pos
: The target position.values
: Pointer to the values to be inserted.numValues
: Number of values to be inserted.
(const size_t pos, const T &value)¶ Buffered insert method.
Inserts an element at the specified position, using aggregation buffers.
Typical usage:
auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { arrayPtr->BufferedInsertAt(i, i+1); } arrayPtr->WaitForBufferedInsert();
- Warning
- Insertions are finalized only after calling the WaitForBufferedInsert() method.
- Parameters
: The target position.value
: The value of the element to be inserted.
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t pos, const T &value)¶ Asynchronous buffered insert method.
Asynchronously inserts an element at the specified position, using aggregation buffers.
Typical usage:
auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); shad::rt::Handle handle; for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { arrayPtr->BufferedAsyncInsertAt(handle, i, i+1); } // ... more work here and then finally wait. shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle); arrayPtr->WaitForBufferedInsert();
- Warning
- asynchronous buffered insertions are finalized only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle &handle) method and the WaitForBufferedInsert() method, in this order.
- Parameters
: The handle to be used to wait for completion.pos
: The target position.value
: The value to be inserted.
()¶ Finalize method for buffered insertions.
(const size_t pos)¶ Lookup Method.
Retireve an element at a given position.
Typical usage:
auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); // ... fill the array with useful values ... for (size_t i = 0; i < arrayPtr->Size(); ++i) PrintValue(arrayPtr->At(i)); // Don't do this !
- Return
- The value of the element at position pos.
- Parameters
: The target position.
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t pos, T *result)¶ Asynchronous Lookup Method.
Retireve an element at a given position asynchronously.
Typical usage:
auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); // ... fill the array with useful values ... std::vector<size_t> top(k); shad::rt::Handle handle; for (size_t i = 0; i < k; ++i) arrayPtr->AsyncAt(i, &top[i]); shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle); for (auto v : top) PrintValue(v);
- Warning
- Asynchronous operations are guaranteed to have completed only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle &handle) method.
- Parameters
: The handle to be used to wait for completion.pos
: The target position.result
: pointer to the region where the element value is written; result must point to a valid memory allocation.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(const size_t pos, ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Applies a user-defined function to an element.
Applies a user-defined function to the element at the specified position.
Typical usage:
void fn(size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t & incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto edsPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { edsPtr->Apply(i, fn, kInitValue); } ...
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(size_t, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: The target position.function
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t pos, ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to an element.
Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to the element at the specified position.
Typical usage:
void fn(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t & incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); shad::rt::Handle handle; for (size_t i = 0; i < kArraySize; i++) { arrayPtr->AsyncApply(handle, i, fn, kInitValue); } shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle); ...
- Warning
- Asynchronous operations are guaranteed to have completed only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle &handle) method.
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: Reference to the handle to be used to wait for completion.pos
: The target position.function
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(const size_t first, const size_t last, ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Applies a user-defined function to every element in the specified range.
Applies a user-defined function to all the elements in the specified range of positions.
Typical usage:
static void fn(size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t & incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); arrayPtr->ForEachInRange(0, kArraySize, fn, kInitValue); ...
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(size_t, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: The first position of the range.last
: The last position of the range.function
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(rt::Handle &handle, const size_t first, const size_t last, ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to every element in the specified range.
Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to all the elements in the specified range of positions.
Typical usage:
void fn(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t& incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); shad::rt::Handle handle; arrayPtr->AsyncForEachInRange(handle, 0, kArraySize, fn, kInitValue); ... rt::waitForCompletion(handle); ...
- Warning
- Asynchronous operations are guaranteed to have completed only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle &handle) method.
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: Reference to the handle to be used to wait for completion.first
: The first position of the range.last
: The last position of the range.function
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Applies a user-defined function to every element.
Applies a user-defined function to all the elements.
Typical usage:
void fn(size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t& incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); arrayPtr->ForEach(fn, someValue);
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(size_t pos, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
template <typename ApplyFunT, typename... Args>
(rt::Handle &handle, ApplyFunT &&function, Args&... args)¶ Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to every element.
Asynchronously applies a user-defined function to all the elements.
Typical usage:
void fn(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t i, size_t& elem, size_t& incr) { /* do something */ } ... auto arrayPtr = shad::Array<size_t>::Create(kArraySize, kInitValue); rt::Handle handle; arrayPtr->AsyncForEach(handle, fn, someValue); ... shad::rt::waitForCompletion(handle); ...
- Warning
- Asynchronous operations are guaranteed to have completed only after calling the rt::waitForCompletion(rt::Handle &handle) method.
- Template Parameters
: User-defined function type. The function prototype must be:void(shad::rt::Handle&, size_t pos, T&, Args& args);
: Types of the function arguments.
- Parameters
: The handle to be used to wait for completion.function
: The function to apply.args
: The function arguments.
(const std::tuple<size_t, T> entry)¶
Public Static Attributes
constexpr size_t
constants::max(constants::kBufferNumBytes / sizeof(T), 1lu)
Protected Functions
(ObjectID oid, size_t size, const T &initValue)¶