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Homes Eligible Rebates Payload

Defined in: homesEligibleRebate.schema.json
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed: True

Property Type Required Format Title
address_id string ✅ uuid Address id
building_project_type enum ✅ Building project type
claimant_type enum ✅ Claimant type
construction_type enum ✅ Construction type
dwelling_unit_income_bucket enum Dwelling unit income bucket
estimated_percent_energy_savings number
estimated_post_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent integer Estimated post retrofit energy usage kwh equivalent
estimated_post_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type estimated_post_retrofit_item Estimated Post Retrofit Item
is_disadvantaged_community boolean ✅ Is disadvantaged community
measured_pre_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent integer Measured pre-retrofit energy usage kwh equivalent
measured_pre_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type measured_pre_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type Measured Pre Retrofit Site Energy Usages By Fuel Type
mf_building_income_bucket enum Multifamily building income bucket
modeled_percent_energy_savings number
modeled_post_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent integer Modeled post retrofit energy usage kwh equivalent
modeled_post_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type modeled_post_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type Modeled Post Retrofit Site Energy Usages By Fuel Type
modeled_pre_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent integer Modeled pre-retrofit energy usage kwh equivalent
modeled_pre_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type modeled_pre_retrofit_site_energy_usages_by_fuel_type Modeled Pre Retrofit Site Energy Usages By Fuel Type
num_occupied_units integer Num occupied units
num_units integer Num units
num_units_meeting_income_bucket integer Num units meeting income bucket
rebate_type enum ✅ Rebate type
unit_name_or_number string Unit name or number
upgrades homes_upgrades ✅ Homes upgrades

allOf Requirement

Conditional Validation

if then should be present should not be present comment
rebate_type is not MODELED software_used_to_estimate_post_retrofit_energy_usage Determine which fields are required when rebate_type is MODELED or MEASURED
building_project_type is MULTIFAMILY_IN_UNIT dwelling_unit_income_bucket
Determine which fields are required when building_project_type is MULTIFAMILY_IN_UNIT
building_project_type is MULTIFAMILY_CENTRAL mf_building_income_bucket
Determine which fields are required when building_project_type is MULTIFAMILY_CENTRAL
building_project_type is one of [MANUFACTURED, SINGLE_FAMILY_ATTACHED, SINGLE_FAMILY_DETACHED] dwelling_unit_income_bucket mf_building_income_bucket
Determine which fields are required for single family building_project_type


A unique identifier associated with the address of the building at which the upgrade(s) will be installed. This id must be obtained using the address-service endpoint.

  • is required
  • Type: string


This describes both the type of the building and, in the multifamily case, whether this reservation applies to the whole building or to a single unit. For the MULTIFAMILY_CENTRAL case, the income bucket for the building, mf_income_bucket, is used. Otherwise, the income bucket for the dwelling unit, dwelling_unit_income_bucket, is used.

  • is required
  • Type: enum


The type of person or entity that is initiating the rebate process on behalf of the applicant.

  • is required
  • Type: enum


Set to NEW if the building is less than one year old. Otherwise, set to EXISTING.

  • is required
  • Type: enum


The household income level of the applicant compared to the area median income (AMI).

  • is not required
  • Type: enum


An estimate for the percent measured energy savings where total energy use is first converted to source energy in a manner determined by the state. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MEASURED and otherwise not allowed – either this field or the two fields measured_pre_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent and estimated_post_retrofit_energy_usage_kwh_equivalent must be specified when rebate_type is MEASURED. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required for rebate_type MEASURED and otherwise not allowed.

  • is not required
  • Type: number

Maximum Number: 100


The total estimated (expected) annual energy usage converted to kWh-equivalent for the home or multifamily building post-retrofit. This field is used for MEASURED reservations only.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 0


An array of estimated post-retrofit site energy usage objects. Each entry represents a different fuel type. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MEASURED and otherwise not allowed. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required when rebate_type is MEASURED and otherwise not allowed. Please begin using this field asap.


This field should only be used by states that have been approved by the DOE to do so. If provided, this will override the is_disadvantaged_community value from the address-service.

  • is required
  • Type: boolean


The total actual annual energy usage converted to kWh-equivalent for the home or multifamily building prior to the retrofit - based on normalized utility bill data. This field is used for MEASURED reservations only.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 0


An array of measured pre-retrofit site energy usage objects. Each entry represents a different site fuel type. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MEASURED and otherwise not allowed. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required when rebate_type is MEASURED and otherwise not allowed. Please begin using this field asap.


Choose the lowest area median income (AMI) range for which at least 50% of the household units fall into the range or lower. For example, consider a five-unit apartment building for which two units fall in the LESS_THAN_80%_AMI range and three fall in the 80%_AMI_AND_GREATER. Then the 80%_AMI_AND_GREATER range should be chosen because more than half of the units fall into this range or lower.

  • is not required
  • Type: enum


The calculated percent modeled energy savings where total energy use is first converted to source energy in a manner determined by the state. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed – either this field or the two modeled_...kwh_equalent fields must be specified when _rebate_type is MODELED. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed. Please begin using this field asap.

  • is not required
  • Type: number

Maximum Number: 100


The total annual modeled energy usage converted to kWh-equivalent for the home or multifamily building post-retrofit. This field is used for MODELED reservations only.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 0


An array of modeled post-retrofit site energy usage objects. Each entry represents a different fuel type. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed. Please begin using this field asap.


The total annual modeled energy usage converted to kWh-equivalent for the home or multifamily building as-found (prior to the retrofit). This field is used for MODELED reservations only.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 0


An array of modeled pre-retrofit site energy usage objects. Each entry represents a different site fuel type. To avoid an immediate breaking change, this field is currently optional when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed. The behavior starting mid to late January 2025 will be: this field is required when rebate_type is MODELED and otherwise not allowed. Please begin using this field asap.


This is the number of occupied units in a multifamily building.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 0
Maximum Number: 1000


This is the total number of units in a multifamily building. This field is required when building_project_type is any of the enumerated values that has a "MULTIFAMILY" prefix. Otherwise, the field should be omitted.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 2
Maximum Number: 1000


This is the number of occupied units in a multifamily building for which the household income falls within the income range represented by mf_income_bucket or is lower.

  • is not required
  • Type: integer

Minimum Number: 1
Maximum Number: 1000


The HOMES rebates have two distinct options for determining savings and rebate amounts, MODELED vs MEASURED.

  • is required
  • Type: enum


This is the unit designator for a unit in a multifamily building. Do NOT include words or abbreviations such as 'APT' or 'UNIT'. For example, if the unit is referred to as 'APT 7B', then unit_name_or_number should be '7B'.

  • is not required
  • Type: string

Minimum Length: 1
Maximum Length: 32


List all the upgrades from the enumeration that apply to the HOMES project.

Items should be unique: True