import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from typing import List
from deep_data_profiler.classes import Profile
[docs]def jaccard_simple(mat1: sp.spmatrix, mat2: sp.spmatrix) -> float:
Computes the jaccard similarity of two sets = size of their
intersection / size of their union
mat1 : scipy.sparse matrix
mat2 : scipy.sparse matrix
: float
intersection = mat1.multiply(mat2)
union = mat1 + mat2
return intersection.count_nonzero() / union.count_nonzero()
[docs]def instance_jaccard(
profile1: Profile, profile2: Profile, neuron: bool = True
) -> float:
Computes the proportion of synapses(or neurons/neurons) of profile1 that
belongs to profile2 synapses(or neurons/neurons)
profile1 : Profile
Typically a single image profile
profile2 : Profile
Typically an aggregated profile of many images
neuron : bool
Set to True if wish to compute proportions in terms of neurons instead
of synapses
: float
The proportion of profile1 in profile2.
if profile1.num_inputs == 0 or profile2.num_inputs == 0:
return 0
if neuron:
intersection = [
if layer in profile2.neuron_counts
else 0
for layer in profile1.neuron_counts
aprofile_size = profile1.size
intersection = [
if layer in profile2.synapse_counts
else 0
for layer in profile1.synapse_counts
aprofile_size = profile1.num_synapses
return sum(intersection) / aprofile_size
[docs]def avg_jaccard(
profile1: Profile, profile2: Profile, neuron: bool = True, layers: List[int] = None
) -> float:
Computes the jaccard similarity at each layer using synapse sets (or
neuron sets) then averages the values.
profile1 : Profile
profile2 : Profile
neuron : bool, optional, default=False
Set to true if wish to compute the iou on the neuron sets instead
of the synapse sets
layers: list, optional, deafult=None
Specify a list of layers to calculate similarity over, defaults
to all layers of the profile
: float
Mean Intersection-over-Union (IOU) across layers of synapse (neuron) sets
in Profile object.
See also
if profile1.num_inputs == 0 or profile2.num_inputs == 0:
return 0
if neuron:
layers = layers or profile1.neuron_counts.keys()
aprofile = profile1.neuron_counts
bprofile = profile2.neuron_counts
layers = layers or profile1.synapse_counts.keys()
aprofile = profile1.synapse_counts
bprofile = profile2.synapse_counts
iou = [
jaccard_simple(aprofile[layer], bprofile[layer]) if layer in bprofile else 0
for layer in layers
return np.mean(iou)
[docs]def jaccard(
profile1: Profile, profile2: Profile, neuron: bool = True, layers: List[int] = None
) -> float:
Computes the jaccard similarity metric between two profiles using
the aggregation of all synapse sets (or neuron set across all layers
profile1 : Profile
profile2 : Profile
neuron : bool, optional, default=False
Set to true if wish to compute the jaccard on the neuron sets instead
of the synapse sets
layers: list, optional, default=None
Specify a list of layers to calculate similarity over, defaults
to all layers of the profile
: float
See also
if profile1.num_inputs == 0 or profile2.num_inputs == 0:
return 0
if neuron:
layers = layers or (
profile1.neuron_counts.keys() | profile2.neuron_counts.keys()
aprofile = sp.block_diag(
if layer in profile1.neuron_counts
else sp.coo_matrix(profile2.neuron_counts[layer].shape)
for layer in layers
bprofile = sp.block_diag(
if layer in profile2.neuron_counts
else sp.coo_matrix(profile1.neuron_counts[layer].shape)
for layer in layers
layers = layers or (
profile1.synapse_counts.keys() | profile2.synapse_counts.keys()
aprofile = sp.block_diag(
if layer in profile1.synapse_counts
else sp.coo_matrix(profile2.synapse_counts[layer].shape)
for layer in layers
bprofile = sp.block_diag(
if layer in profile2.synapse_counts
else sp.coo_matrix(profile1.synapse_counts[layer].shape)
for layer in layers
return jaccard_simple(aprofile, bprofile)