Source code for algorithms.homology

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from ripser import ripser

Neuron = Tuple[int, Union[Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int]]]
SynapseDict = Dict[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron], float]

[docs]def tuples_from_dict( d: Dict[int, SynapseDict], layers: List[int] = None ) -> List[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron, float]]: """ Returns a list of tuples representing synapses up to a specified layer Parameters ---------- d : dict A dictionary of synapse weights, keyed by layer and synapse layers : list, optional, default=None If None (default), dictionary entries for all layers will be included in the list of tuples, otherwise, entries from the layers given in the list will be included Returns ------- tuples : list A list of tuples of the form ((layer1, (neuron1,)), (layer2, (neuron2,)), weight) Note ---- Neurons are renamed to be (layer, neuron) since different layers may have the same neuron indices. The parameter nlayers is an inclusive bound. """ tuples = [] if layers is None: layers = d.keys() for ldx in layers: tuples += [(*syn, val) for syn, val in d[ldx].items()] return tuples
[docs]def graph_from_tuples( tuples: List[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron, float]], directed: bool = True, weight_func: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x), ) -> nx.Graph: """ Returns a weighted graph constructed from a set of tuples Parameters ---------- tuples : iterable An iterable of tuples of the form (vertex1, vertex2, weight) weight_func : function A function that takes the weight from a tuple as its input and returns the weight of the edge between vertex1 and vertex2 in the graph, default= f(x)=x Returns ------- G : networkx.Graph A weighted graph with edge weights given by the weight_func of the tuple weights """ if directed: G = nx.DiGraph() else: G = nx.Graph() for t in tuples: wt = max(0, weight_func(t[2])) G.add_edge(t[0], t[1], weight=wt) return G
[docs]def mat_from_graph( G: nx.Graph, kernel: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x) ) -> np.ndarray: """ Given a weighted graph create a matrix based on a kernel function of the shortest weighted path distance. Parameters ---------- G : networkx.Graph A weighted graph kernel : function A function of the shortest weighted path distance, default= f(x)=x Returns ------- matrix : numpy.ndarray Note ---- This will only be a distance matrix if the kernel function keeps things as distances. """ Vdict = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(G.nodes)} matrix = np.full((G.order(), G.order()), np.inf) np.fill_diagonal(matrix, 0) for pair in nx.shortest_path_length(G, weight="weight"): i = Vdict[pair[0]] for v2 in pair[1]: matrix[i, Vdict[v2]] = kernel(pair[1][v2]) return matrix
[docs]def ripser_of_distmat(dist_matrix: np.ndarray, maxdim: int = 1) -> dict: """ Given a distance matrix compute the persistent homology using ripser. Parameters ---------- dist_matrix : numpy.ndarray A distance matrix maxdim : int, optional, default=1 The maximum homology dimension to compute, default=1 Returns ------- R : dict A dictionary holding the results of the computation Note ---- The given dist_mat should be a distance matrix, but this is not strictly enforced """ R = ripser(dist_matrix, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=maxdim) return R
[docs]def ripser_of_graph( G: nx.Graph, kernel: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x), maxdim: int = 1 ) -> dict: """ Given a weighted graph compute the persistent homology using ripser. Parameters ---------- G : networkx.Graph A weighted graph kernel : function A function of the shortest weighted path distance, default= f(x)=x maxdim : int The maximum homology dimension to compute, default=1 Returns ------- R : dict A dictionary holding the results of the computation Note ---- The given kernel function should produce a distance matrix, but this is not strictly enforced """ dist_matrix = mat_from_graph(G, kernel=kernel) R = ripser(dist_matrix, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=maxdim) return R