import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from ripser import ripser
Neuron = Tuple[int, Union[Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int]]]
SynapseDict = Dict[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron], float]
[docs]def tuples_from_dict(
d: Dict[int, SynapseDict], layers: List[int] = None
) -> List[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron, float]]:
Returns a list of tuples representing synapses up to a specified layer
d : dict
A dictionary of synapse weights, keyed by layer and synapse
layers : list, optional, default=None
If None (default), dictionary entries for all layers will be included in the list of tuples,
otherwise, entries from the layers given in the list will be included
tuples : list
A list of tuples of the form ((layer1, (neuron1,)), (layer2, (neuron2,)), weight)
Neurons are renamed to be (layer, neuron) since different layers may have the same neuron indices.
The parameter nlayers is an inclusive bound.
tuples = []
if layers is None:
layers = d.keys()
for ldx in layers:
tuples += [(*syn, val) for syn, val in d[ldx].items()]
return tuples
[docs]def graph_from_tuples(
tuples: List[Tuple[Neuron, Neuron, float]],
directed: bool = True,
weight_func: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x),
) -> nx.Graph:
Returns a weighted graph constructed from a set of tuples
tuples : iterable
An iterable of tuples of the form (vertex1, vertex2, weight)
weight_func : function
A function that takes the weight from a tuple as its input
and returns the weight of the edge between vertex1 and vertex2 in the graph,
default= f(x)=x
G : networkx.Graph
A weighted graph with edge weights given by the weight_func of the tuple weights
if directed:
G = nx.DiGraph()
G = nx.Graph()
for t in tuples:
wt = max(0, weight_func(t[2]))
G.add_edge(t[0], t[1], weight=wt)
return G
[docs]def mat_from_graph(
G: nx.Graph, kernel: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x)
) -> np.ndarray:
Given a weighted graph create a matrix based on a kernel function of the shortest weighted path distance.
G : networkx.Graph
A weighted graph
kernel : function
A function of the shortest weighted path distance, default= f(x)=x
matrix : numpy.ndarray
This will only be a distance matrix if the kernel function keeps things as distances.
Vdict = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(G.nodes)}
matrix = np.full((G.order(), G.order()), np.inf)
np.fill_diagonal(matrix, 0)
for pair in nx.shortest_path_length(G, weight="weight"):
i = Vdict[pair[0]]
for v2 in pair[1]:
matrix[i, Vdict[v2]] = kernel(pair[1][v2])
return matrix
[docs]def ripser_of_distmat(dist_matrix: np.ndarray, maxdim: int = 1) -> dict:
Given a distance matrix compute the persistent homology using ripser.
dist_matrix : numpy.ndarray
A distance matrix
maxdim : int, optional, default=1
The maximum homology dimension to compute, default=1
R : dict
A dictionary holding the results of the computation
The given dist_mat should be a distance matrix, but this is not strictly enforced
R = ripser(dist_matrix, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=maxdim)
return R
[docs]def ripser_of_graph(
G: nx.Graph, kernel: Callable[[float], float] = (lambda x: x), maxdim: int = 1
) -> dict:
Given a weighted graph compute the persistent homology using ripser.
G : networkx.Graph
A weighted graph
kernel : function
A function of the shortest weighted path distance, default= f(x)=x
maxdim : int
The maximum homology dimension to compute, default=1
R : dict
A dictionary holding the results of the computation
The given kernel function should produce a distance matrix, but this is not strictly enforced
dist_matrix = mat_from_graph(G, kernel=kernel)
R = ripser(dist_matrix, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=maxdim)
return R