Documentation for ConStrain ============================ **Version**: |release| **ConStrain** is a data-driven knowledge-integrated framework that automatically verifies that controls function as intended. **ConStrain** is designed around three key features: building control knowledge integration, analytics, and automation. The framework includes three major components: a control verification algorithm library (rule-based, procedure-based, and AI-based), an automated preparation process and verification case generation, a standardized performance evaluation and reporting process. Applications of **ConStrain** include verifications of the implementation of control-related building energy code requirements (e.g., ASHRAE Standard 90.1) and sequences of operation (e.g., ASHRAE Guideline 36) using either data generated from building energy simulations and/or actual building monitoring system trend data. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Statement of Need Quickstart Guide Verifications Expand Exisiting Verifications Code Documentation Contributing License Acknowledgment