Contributing ============== Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated. Issues ------- Users of **ConStrain** are welcome to open issues to: 1. Ask for help 2. Report issues with the current code base 3. Request new features to be implemented Pull requests -------------- Pull requests should be submitted through forks and tagged with appropriate available labels. The title and description of the pull request should be legible and clearly describe the proposed changes. 1. Bug fixes, improvements, and new features Bug fixes, improvements and new features should be tied to one or multiple issues. Please open an issue(s) prior to opening a pull request and documenting the proposed change(s) to **ConStrain**. The development team is open to reviewing any proposed changes as long as the changes are explained in detail (using the code review feature of GitHub), and backed with sufficient research. Each pull request addressing bug fixes or improvements needs to include one or more unit tests. 2. Data **ConStrain** uses a data-driven approach meaning that the more data it has access to, the better and the more relevant the curves generated by **ConStrain** will be. The development team welcomes contributions aiming to add data to **ConStrain**'s libraries. New data should be submitted through a pull request. The pull request should include the data in a format that can be used by **ConStrain** (For example, **ConStrain** currently uses performance curves, so no data tables should be submitted). To be included in **ConStrain**, the data should be publicly available, sharable, and accurate (and a reference should be provided for the team's review).