Source code for api.workflow

Workflow API

import glob
import sys, logging, json, os, datetime
from typing import Union

from constrain.api import (

# helper
[docs] def timenow(): return
[docs] def strnow(): return timenow().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
[docs] class WorkflowEngine: def __init__(self, workflow, run_workflow_now=False): self.end_state_name = None self.start_state_name = None self.payloads = {} self.states = {} self.workflow_dict = {} self.running_sequence = [] # checking workflow validity is handed over to the API method. if isinstance(workflow, str): self.load_workflow_json(workflow) if isinstance(workflow, dict): self.workflow_dict = workflow self.load_states() if run_workflow_now: self.run_workflow()
[docs] def validate(self, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """function to be implemented to check for high level validity of the workflow definition""" workflow_schema = { "workflow_name": str, "meta": {"author": str, "date": str, "version": str, "description": str}, "imports": list, "states": {"*": dict}, } def _validate_workflow(schema, instance, verbose) -> bool: # TODO: JXL this is duplicate from VerificationCase.validate_verification_case_structure._validate_case_structure_helper. Refactor needed. for schema_key, schema_value in schema.items(): # accommodate data points alike scenarios (random string key with required value structure) if schema_key == "*": keys = list(instance.keys()) else: keys = [schema_key] for key in keys: # check key match if key not in instance: logging.error(f"Missing required key '{key}' in {instance}") return False case_value = instance[key] if isinstance(schema_value, dict): # recursively check nested value is_cases_valid = _validate_workflow( schema_value, case_value, verbose ) if not is_cases_valid: return False else: # check leaf value match # if require float, it can be int if schema_value == float: eligible_types = [int, float] else: eligible_types = [schema_value] type_match_list = [ isinstance(case_value, sv) for sv in eligible_types ] if not any(type_match_list): logging.error( f"The type of '{key}' key must be {schema_value}, but {type(case_value)} is provided." ) return False else: if verbose: print( f"The type of {key} has the correct type {schema_value}" ) return True return _validate_workflow(workflow_schema, self.workflow_dict, verbose)
[docs] def import_package(self) -> None: """Import third party packages based on the "imports" element values of the workflow json. E.g.: { ... "imports": ["numpy as np","pandas as pd","datetime"], ... } """ import_list = [] if "imports" in self.workflow_dict: import_list = self.workflow_dict["imports"] for line in import_list: cp = line if " as " in line: cp = line.split(" as ")[-1] exec(f"import {line}", globals())
[docs] def load_workflow_json(self, workflow_path: str) -> None: """Load workflow from a json workflow definition. Args: workflow_path (str): path to the workflow json file. """ with open(workflow_path) as f: self.workflow_dict = json.load(f)
[docs] def load_states(self) -> None: """load states from the workflow definition with some sanity checks.""" for state_name, state_dict in self.workflow_dict["states"].items(): # there should be no duplicate names if state_name in self.states: logging.error( f"State name [{state_name}] is not unique in the loaded workflow. This is NOT allowed." ) return None self.states[state_name] = state_dict if "Start" in state_dict and state_dict["Start"] == "True": self.start_state_name = state_name if "End" in state_dict and state_dict["End"] == "True": self.end_state_name = state_name continue if (state_dict["Type"] != "Choice") and ("Next" not in state_dict): logging.error( f"Non-Choice state [{state_name} is not an End state and it has no Next state. This is NOT allowed." )
[docs] def run_state(self, state_name: str) -> Union[None, str]: """Run a specific states by state_name. This is not a external facing method and is only supposed to be called by run_workflow. Args: state_name (str): name of the state to execute. Returns: Union[None, str]: name of the next state to run or None if there is no next state. """ state_dict = self.states[state_name] state_type = state_dict["Type"] next_state = None if state_type == "MethodCall": self.payloads = MethodCall(state_dict, self.payloads).run().get_payloads() if "Next" in state_dict: next_state = state_dict["Next"] if state_type == "Choice": next_state = Choice(state_dict, self.payloads).check_choices() if (state_name != self.end_state_name) and (next_state is not None): return next_state else: return None
[docs] def run_workflow(self, verbose=True, max_states: int = 1000) -> None: """Workflow runner with a maximum steps allowed setting. Args: max_states (int, optional): Maximum number of states to run allowed. Defaults to 1000. """ start_time = timenow() print(f"Start running workflow at {start_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}") if verbose: print(f"Importing packages specified in workflow -- [{strnow()}]") self.import_package() current_state_name = self.start_state_name if verbose: print( f"Start running workflow with start state [{self.start_state_name}] with maximum allowable number of states being [{max_states}] -- [{strnow()}]" ) state_count = 0 touch_limit = False while current_state_name is not None: state_count += 1 if verbose: print( f"Running state {state_count}: [{current_state_name}] ...", end=" " ) self.running_sequence.append(current_state_name) current_state_name = self.run_state(current_state_name) if verbose: print(f"Done. -- [{strnow()}]") if state_count > max_states: e_msg = ( "Reaching maximum allowable number of states. Workflow terminated." ) if verbose: print(e_msg) touch_limit = True logging.warning( "Reaching maximum allowable number of states. Workflow terminated." ) break end_time = timenow() duration = end_time - start_time print( f"Workflow done at {end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}, a total of {state_count} states were executed in {duration}." )
[docs] def summarize_workflow_run(self) -> dict: """Summarize the states running sequence after a workflow is executed. Returns: dict: a summary dictionary with two keys: `total_states_executed` and `state_running_sequence`. """ print( f"A total of {len(self.running_sequence)} states were executed with the following sequence:" ) step_count = 0 for element in self.running_sequence: step_count += 1 print(f"State {step_count}: {element}") return { "total_states_executed": step_count, "state_running_sequence": self.running_sequence, }
[docs] class Workflow: def __init__(self, workflow: Union[str, dict] = None): """Instantiate a Workflow class object and load specified workflow as a `dict` in `self.workflow` Args: workflow (Union[str, dict], optional): str path to the workflow definition json file or dict of the actual workflow definition. Defaults to None. """ self.workflow_engine = None if workflow is None: logging.warning( "Workflow is not provided at time of initialization. self.workflow_engine is set to None. Workflow can be added later by calling self.load_workflow(workflow)" ) else: self.load_workflow(workflow)
[docs] def load_workflow(self, workflow: Union[str, dict]) -> None: """Load workflow definition from a json file or dict to `self.workflow`. Args: workflow (Union[str, dict]): str path to the workflow definition json file or dict of the actual workflow definition. """ if self.workflow_engine is not None: logging.warning( "self.workflow_engine is not None, load_workflow will overwrite it with a new workflow." ) self.workflow_engine = self.create_workflow_engine(workflow)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_workflow_engine( workflow: Union[str, dict] ) -> Union[None, WorkflowEngine]: """Instantiate a WorkflowEngine object with specified workflow definition. Args: workflow (Union[str, dict]): str path to the workflow definition json file or dict of the actual workflow definition. Defaults to None. Returns: Union[None, WorkflowEngine]: Instantiated WorkflowEngine object if provided workflow is valid; None otherwise. """ if (isinstance(workflow, str) and os.path.isfile(workflow)) or isinstance( workflow, dict ): workflow_engine = WorkflowEngine(workflow) else: logging.error( "workflow needs to be either a str path to the workflow json file or a dict of the workflow definition." ) workflow_engine = None return workflow_engine
[docs] @staticmethod def list_existing_workflows(workflow_dir: str = None) -> Union[dict, None]: """List existing workflows (defined as json files) under a specific directory path. Args: workflow_dir (str, optional): path to the directory containing workflow definitions (including sub directories). By default, point to the path of the example folder. @JXL TODO example folder to be specified Returns: Union[dict, None]: `dict` with keys being workflow names and values being a `Dict` with the following keys: - `workflow_json_path`: path to the file of the workflow - `workflow`: `Dict` of the workflow, loaded from the workflow json definition """ if isinstance(workflow_dir, str) and os.path.isfile(workflow_dir): if workflow_dir[-1] != "/": workflow_dir = workflow_dir + "/" found_files = glob.glob(f"{workflow_dir}**/*.json", recursive=True) else: logging.error( "workflow_dir needs to point to a valid path containing potential workflow json files." ) return None num_found_files = len(found_files) if num_found_files == 0: logging.warning(f"There is no json file in {workflow_dir}") return None workflows = {} for json_file_path in found_files: temp_wfe = WorkflowEngine(json_file_path) if temp_wfe.validate(): workflows[temp_wfe.workflow_dict["workflow_name"]] = { "workflow_json_path": json_file_path, "workflow": temp_wfe.workflow_dict, }
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_workflow_definition(workflow: Union[str, dict], verbose=False) -> dict: """Validate a workflow definition. Args: workflow (Union[str, dict]): If str, this is assumed to be the path to the workflow definition json file; If dict, this is assumed to be loaded from the workflow json definition. verbose (bool, optional): Verbose output for validate. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: `dict` with the following keys: - `workflow_validity`: bool flag of the validity of the workflow definition - `detail`: detailed info about the validity check. """ temp_workflow_engine = Workflow.create_workflow_engine(workflow) return temp_workflow_engine.validate()
[docs] def validate(self, verbose=False) -> dict: """Validate `self.workflow` Args: verbose (bool, optional): Verbose output for validate. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: `dict` with the following keys: - `workflow_validity`: bool flag of the validity of the workflow definition - `detail`: detailed info about the validity check. """ return self.workflow_engine.validate()
[docs] def save(self, json_path: str = None) -> None: """Save the workflow as a json file. Args: json_path (str, optional): path to the file to be saved. Defaults to None. """ if self.workflow_engine is None: logging.warning("self.workflow_engine is None, there is nothing to save.") else: if isinstance(json_path, str): self.workflow_engine.save_workflow(json_path) else: logging.error("json_path needs to be str")
[docs] def run_workflow(self, verbose: bool = False) -> bool: """Execute the workflow defined in self.workflow Args: verbose (bool, optional): bool. Wether to output detailed information. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: Whether the run is successful or not. """ self.workflow_engine.run_workflow(verbose)
[docs] class MethodCall: """The MethodCall State class. This class also covers the `Embedded MethodCall` state type. A typical use case of execute a MethodCall state would be: `self.payloads = MethodCall(state_dict, self.payloads).run().get_payloads()` """ def __init__(self, state_dict, payloads): self.payloads = payloads # self.payloads takes in the input payloads, add key-value pairs contents based on state_dict['Payloads'], and will be available by self.get_payloads() self.parameters = {} self.state_dict = state_dict self.dollar = None # the return of the current method call will be stored in this variable. self.build_parameters(state_dict)
[docs] def build_parameters(self, state_dict): if isinstance(state_dict["Parameters"], dict): for k, v in state_dict["Parameters"].items(): self.parameters[k] = self.build_param_value(v) if isinstance(state_dict["Parameters"], list): # some python built-in methods only accept positional arguments self.parameters = [ self.build_param_value(x) for x in state_dict["Parameters"] ]
[docs] def build_param_value(self, v): if isinstance(v, dict): # if parameter value is a dict, then it needs to be an embedded method call style new_v = self.embedded_call(v) return new_v if isinstance(v, int) or isinstance(v, float): return v if isinstance(v, str): # special string treatment Payloads = ( self.payloads ) # to be used by "...Payloads['xxx']... in parameter value" TODO:JXL to be tested. if v.split("[")[0] == "Payloads": # only in this case we eval return eval(v) elif v[:3] == "+x ": # unique prefix for evaluate the rest of the string return eval(v[3:]) else: # in all other string param value, we consider it is a string. This is for clarity and security. More complicated parameter should use embedded methodcall return v
[docs] def run(self): Payloads = ( self.payloads ) # to be used by "...Payloads['xxx']... in self.state_dict["MethodCall"]" method_call = eval(self.state_dict["MethodCall"]) # TODO JXL: handle non-method calls, maybe just (self.dollar = method_call)? Need tests if isinstance(self.parameters, dict): self.dollar = method_call(**self.parameters) if isinstance(self.parameters, list): self.dollar = method_call(*self.parameters) return self
[docs] def get_method_return(self): return self.dollar
[docs] def get_payloads(self): Payloads = self.payloads if "Payloads" in self.state_dict: for k, v in self.state_dict["Payloads"].items(): if isinstance(v, str): # only eval if v is string self.payloads[k] = eval(v.replace("$", "self.dollar")) else: self.payloads[k] = v return self.payloads
[docs] def embedded_call(self, embedded_case_dict): if embedded_case_dict["Type"] != "Embedded MethodCall": logging.error( f"If parameter value is a dict, it needs to be of type 'Embedded MethodCall'. Problematic state definition: {embedded_case_dict}" ) return None return MethodCall(embedded_case_dict, self.payloads).run().get_method_return()
[docs] class Choice: """The Choice state that check conditions to decide next step. A typical use case of execute a Choice state would be: `next_state = Choice(state_dict, self.payloads).check_choices()` """ def __init__(self, state_dict, payloads): self.payloads = payloads self.state_dict = state_dict
[docs] def check_choices(self): for choice in self.state_dict["Choices"]: choice_return = self.check_choice(choice) if isinstance(choice_return, str): return choice_return # if current choice does not give a next step, then check the next one continue # no valid next step has been identified. check if there is a default state, if not, log error if "Default" in self.state_dict: return self.state_dict["Default"] else: logging.error("Among all choices, no valid next step identified. Abort!") return None
[docs] def check_choice(self, choice): if not isinstance(choice, dict): logging.error("choice has to be a dict") return None if "Value" not in choice: # when 'Value' is not in choice, a logical expression key is expected # check only one logic expression in the key eligible_logic = ["ALL", "ANY", "NONE"] keycheck_flag = [(ek in choice) for ek in eligible_logic] if sum(keycheck_flag) != 1: logging.error( "For logical expression choices state, there needs to be exactly one key of either 'ALL', or 'ANY', or 'NONE'." ) return None if "ALL" in choice: flag_list = [self.get_choice_value(x) for x in choice["AND"]] choice_value = all(flag_list) if "NONE" in choice: flag_list = [self.get_choice_value(x) for x in choice["NONE"]] choice_value = not any(flag_list) if "ANY" in choice: choice_value = False for subchoice in choice["ANY"]: if self.get_choice_value(subchoice): choice_value = True break else: # 'leaf' choice implementation choice_value = self.get_choice_value(choice) if choice_value: return choice["Next"] else: return False
[docs] def get_choice_value(self, choice): Payloads = self.payloads # to be used by "...Payloads['xxx']... in choice dict" left = choice["Value"] right = choice["Equals"] # only eval when it is a string if isinstance(left, str): left = eval(choice["Value"]) if isinstance(right, str): right = eval(choice["Equals"]) if left == right: return True else: return False
[docs] def main(): WorkflowEngine("./tests/api/data/testworkflow.json")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()