Source code for api.reporting

Reporting API

import glob
import json
import logging
import sys
import os
from typing import List


[docs] class Reporting: def __init__( self, verification_json: str = None, result_md_name: str = None, report_format: str = "markdown", ) -> None: """ Args: verification_json (str): Path to the result json files after verifications to be loaded for reporting. It can be one JSON file or wildcard for multiple JSON files (e.g., *_md.json). result_md_name (str): Name of the report summary markdown to be saved. All md reports will be created in the same directory as the verification result json files. report_format (str): File format to be output. For now, only `markdown` format is available. More formats (e.g., html, pdf, csv, etc.) will be added in future releases. """ # TODO: # - this class is largely duplicate of Need to merge the two (while not losing the other file as we are still using it for large scale runs. self.verification_json = verification_json self.result_md_name = result_md_name self.report_format = report_format if not (isinstance(self.verification_json, str)): logging.error( f"The type of the `verification_json` arg needs to be a str. It cannot be {type(self.verification_json)}." ) return None if not isinstance(self.result_md_name, str): logging.error( f"The type of the `result_md_name` arg needs to be a str. It cannot be {type(self.result_md_name)}." ) return None if not isinstance(self.report_format, str): logging.error( f"The type of the `report_format` arg needs to be a str. It cannot be {type(self.report_format)}." ) return None if self.report_format != "markdown": # TODO: to be deleted later logging.error( f"Only `markdown` format is available. More formats will be added in the future release." ) return None self.result_md_dir = os.path.dirname(self.verification_json) self.result_md_path = f"{self.result_md_dir}/{self.result_md_name}" self.md_dict_dump = {} self.verification_item_case_id_mapping = {} # TODO: refactor below to make mapping creation more efficient for json_file in glob.glob(self.verification_json): with open(json_file) as fr: md_dict = json.load(fr) md_dict_intkey = {int(k): v for k, v in md_dict.items()} self.md_dict_dump.update(md_dict_intkey) self.caseids_sorted = sorted(self.md_dict_dump) for case_id, case_md_dict in md_dict_intkey.items(): md_dict_intkey_verification_class = case_md_dict["verification_class"] if ( md_dict_intkey_verification_class not in self.verification_item_case_id_mapping ): self.verification_item_case_id_mapping[ md_dict_intkey_verification_class ] = [] self.verification_item_case_id_mapping[ md_dict_intkey_verification_class ].append(case_id) self.verification_item_case_id_mapping[ md_dict_intkey_verification_class ].sort() self.md_full_string0 = """ # Verification Results: | Case No. | Data Source | Verification Class | Sample # | Pass # | Fail # | Verification Passed? | | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------ | -------- | ------ | ------ | -------------------- | """
[docs] def report_multiple_cases(self, item_names: List[str] = []) -> None: """Report/summarize multiple verification results. Args: item_names (List): List of unique verification item names. If the `item_names` argument is empty, all the verification results in the `verification_json` argument are reported. """ # check `item_names` type if not isinstance(item_names, List): logging.error( f"The type of the `item_names` arg needs to be List. It cannot be {type(item_names)}." ) return None # collect verification results if len(item_names) > 0: # when only a selective verification results are read for item_name in item_names: if item_name not in self.verification_item_case_id_mapping: logging.error(f"{item_name} is not part of the read files.") return None for caseid in self.verification_item_case_id_mapping[item_name]: self._result_collector_helper(caseid) else: # when `item_no` is empty -> all the results are read for item_no in self.caseids_sorted: self._result_collector_helper(item_no) with open(self.result_md_path, "w") as fw: fw.write(self.md_full_string0)
def _result_collector_helper(self, caseid: int) -> None: """helper method for the `report_multiple_cases` method. Args: caseid: id number of the given verification item. """ case_dict = self.md_dict_dump[caseid] outcome = case_dict["outcome_notes"] model_file = case_dict["model_file"] verification_class = case_dict["verification_class"] mdtable_row = f"| [{caseid}](./case-{caseid}.md) | {model_file} | {verification_class} | {outcome['Sample #']} | {outcome['Pass #']} | {outcome['Fail #']} | {outcome['Verification Passed?']} |\n" self.md_full_string0 += mdtable_row md_section = case_dict["md_content"] md_section += "[Back](" with open(f"{self.result_md_dir}/case-{caseid}.md", "w") as casew: casew.write(md_section)